I need you - g.h

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Year: 1961
Beatle: George Harrison
Name: Maisie Jane Baron
Relationship Status: Best Mates for 7 years
It's 5 o'clock at night and I go into the Cavern to see me best mate Georgie. He's in a band which makes him even more irresistible. If I'm honest I have a wee tiny microscopic crush on him. But I can't act on it because there a 50 different reason and one person why I cant act on it. One reason being we have been best mates for years, two he has a girlfriend who's a floozy and her name is either Theresa or Ellie. One of the two. I never cared for any of his relationships. His were few and far between. But I preserved and I'm gonna tell him, girlfriend or not. If I get off my chest all the will be lifted. I walk over to the bar. " what will it be miss?" The barmaid asked "uhh. Give me a Heineken." I said, absentmindedly. "Okay." The barmaid said with wary eyes. He soon went over to tap and poured my beer. I took and sipped it. I sat for 6 minutes before deciding to abandon my beer and dance. I went to the middle of the dance floor and started swinging my arms to the music playing. Soon I stopped and The Beatles came on. I looked at the stage and saw Georgie on the stage. "Hello we're the Beatles and we're gonna play some other guy." John said. They soon finished tuning there instruments and jumped into the music. I soon let loose and was dancing like a maniac. I saw George stare at me most of the time or Paul would wink at me or someone in the crowd. They soon went onto another song and I went back to the bar. "Same?" The barmaid asked. "Yes." I replied. He soon got my beer. I drank but soon I felt a little tipsy. There was guy at the bar who would stare at me whenever I went to the cavern. But this time he came up to me. "A real lady wouldn't drink beer like that." The drunk guy slurred. He soon put his hand on my thigh and trailed upward. " what's a pretty lady like you doing here all alone." He once again slurred. I tried my best to get his hand of my thigh but it was no use. He was gripping my thigh. He soon smashed his lips to mine and made his arms go round my waist. I pushed him off. But he just kept trying to get to second base. Soon I heard footsteps. "You better leave her alone. You motherfucking bastard." I soon felt him leave me alone and he get whacked in the face. "Who said you had the right..." before he could finish that sentence he was kicked in the crowned jewels. The bouncer soon came over and pulled who I presume was John away from the man before the man ended up in the hospital. But once they got him off and shooed the drunken man out. I saw the instigator, it was George. I met his eyes and looked worse than the other guy did. I walked over to him, "why'd you have to punch him. I was doing just fine." I said red if the face from fury. "I know but it just upset me that he was doing that to you. A lady should never be treated like that." George said placing a ice packs
on his eye. "Are you okay." I said my face soon relaxed. "Yeah. Me mum won't be happy though." George said, laughing lightly. "Do you call her and say your gonna stay at my place and will work on getting the bruises gone." I suggested. George nodded. He soon walked over to the phone and called his mum. I soon saw paul and John come over. "Are you okay?" Paul asked. "Just peachy." I remarked plastering a pained smile on my face. "You know would've ripped him a new one if George didn't step in." John said. "Yeah same for me. But Georgie Porgie kinda..." before Paul could finish the sentence, George cut him off. "Sorry he's drunk. Doesn't know what he's talking about." George said casting a death stare over to Paul. "So who wants to go home." Paul asked. I looked to see where John disappeared to and saw him in the corner of the club snogging some black haired bird. "John obviously doesn't want to." I said, shaking my head over to where John was. We all soon walked out of the pub. Theresa or Ellie was waiting outside. "Hey Geo." She said, practically jumping into his arms. I rolled my arms. Paul saw this and nudged me. I nudged him back. "It's okay. I got some dirt on her." Paul said. "You do." I whispered. "Yeah I saw the other night with some bloke in the men's bathroom and it sounded like she was having a good time." Paul whispered. I soon felt puking so I pretended like I was gonna puke. I soon saw George look back at me and Paul he had a jealous look. Paul saw too so to aggravate him more he slung his arm around my shoulder and whispered in my ear. I soon said goodbye to Paul when came up on my house and George said by to her. But before George could go into my house. Ellie or Theresa came into it. "I'm not allowed to have more than one person in my house." I said, coldly starting at Rene. Thats her name. Rene huffed and kissed George then left. "So what do you wanna do?" George asked breaking the silence. "Uhm.. we could go to my room and listen to the new Roy Orbison record I got yesterday." I suggested playing with my shoes. George nodded and walked up to my room. It wasn't very big. It had two single beds, one for me and my twin sister. "Where are your parents?" George asked laying his body on my bed. "They went on holiday to Manchester to check on my granddad." I said. "Where's Wanda?" George asked. The dreaded question I never wanna answer. "Uhh.. she's uhm at the..." I stuttered. "You know you can tell me the truth." George said putting a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Okay. She's in a mental hospital." I said close to tears. Wanda was considered mental incapacitated. She had schizophrenia, which sucks because she's only 16 when she went to the facility. George soon patted the spot next to him. I plopped next to him. He soon wrapped his arms around my waist so we were spooning. We soon started to talk about Wanda. "Do you love Rene?" I asked. "Uhm. If we're being honest at first I did but then I started liking another girl. But I wasn't sure if she would reciprocate the same feeling." George said. He soon looked down at me and grabbed my chin so I looked into his eyes. "You wanna know who it is." He said. I shook my head lost for words. My brain turned to mush every time he was close to me. He soon put his lips to mine and it was like magic. I soon wrapped my arms around him and he was on top of me. "It was you. It was always was you." He said. He soon got off me and we snuggled until we both fell asleep.
Of course I had to use the cheesy "it was you. It was always was you." line. Hope you liked this and I apologize in advance for any spelling mistakes. Half of the time I don't feel like rereading a chapter for spelling mistakes. But I promise you I speak English fluently it's some times my fingers slip. But that's all folks.

Goodbye Fellow Earthlings and remember Love One Another ✌🏼

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