seaside rendezvous - p.m

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Since this got over 200 reads. I first wanna thank you but also im gonna put out an imagine as celebration. I promise i'm working on a part 2 to Mr. Bad Guy. It's just taking longer than expected. So enjoy some Paul Macca as a father and husband, being all domestic.


Name: Quincy Jeanne McCartney

Relationship Status: Wife for 8 years

Year: 1975

Beatle: Paul McCartney


You have been battling a horrible strep throat but you would wilt like a flower if it weren't your husband, Paul McCartney.

"Hey, honey. Are you feeling?" Paul asked.

"Did the kids go down easy?" Quincy inquired. You were also worried about the kids. No matter even if you feel like your dying.

"Yes. Darcy, Matthew and the twins went down like a sack of potatoes." Paul smiled. Which you made smile.

Paul soon joined you in the bed and snuggled next to you. "Don't do that. I'm gonna get you sick." Quincy warned.

Paul defied Quincy and just continued getting comfortable. "Well if i get sick. Well than we'll both be sickies together." Paul affirmed.

You stayed like that for couple hours until Darcy's wails filled the hallway. "I'll get her." Paul groaned, dragging his body off the mattress.

Quincy layed in the bed for 10 minutes before she got bored and trudged her sick corpse from the bed and onto the hard, light brown flooring of the bedroom.

She inched her way through and over to Darcy's room.

"Darcy. You need to be a good little girl. Mummy's really sick and needs my attention. But how am I supposed to do that when your in here acting like your being murdered." Paul joked.

Quincy soon stood next to Paul. "Hey, baby." Quincy reached over Paul and took Darcy's hand in hers.

"Hey. You're supposed to be in bed." Paul wagged his finger in Quincy's face.

"Well I couldn't stand staying in bed." Quincy huffed, reaching to grab Darcy.

"Well. Since this one is awake. I should go wake the others and then i'll make us all dinner." Paul suggested. Quincy absentmindedly nodding her head.

Paul made a swift escape to Matthew's room and the twins room. You danced your way to the kitchen and took some throat medicine out of the cupboard, you injested 2 pills and sipped some water to get them down.

"Hey, mummy." Sam exclaimed, bear hugging his mum from behind.

"How did my little explorer sleep?" Quincy asked, crouching down before picking up Sam and setting him next to Darcy.

"Well. What do we think Daddy is gonna make us today?" Quincy asked the kids setting them all in there respective spots.

"Can he make that vegetarian stir-fry stuff?" Matthew piped in.

"Yes. Daddy can make the vegetarian stir-fry stuff." Paul said, in the third person.

You and Paul got down to making dinner, you made sure to not have a coughing fit while cooking. And if you did you go to somewhere where food wasn't and cough your brains out.

"I hope this goes away. I've sitting around for 1 1/2 weeks, coughing my brains out." Quincy wheezed.

"It probably will be gone by Thursday." Paul said.

"It better be. You have that tour and I wanna go. So do the kids." Quincy looked over to the kids who entertained themselves with the books on the table.

"Isn't that right kids?" Paul yelled, getting the kids attention.

"What." Harry snapped his head up. Quincy just laughed and kissed the top of Harry's head.

"Nothing bud. Just that were going on tour with Daddy." You exclaimed.

The kids soon dropped all the belongings and danced around the kitchen, chanting. "Were going on tour with Dad. Were going on tour with Dad."

"Okay calm down." Quincy corralled all the kids back to there seats.

"Okay, Clan. Dinners ready." Paul announced.

Paul gave everyon a fair helping of food and then everyone dug into it.

"This is delicious, Father." Sam piped in.

"Since when did you become so proper?" Paul asked.

"Since were going on tour and I don't want to seem improper." Sam answered.

"You don't need to be proper. Everyone on tour isn't proper, anyway." Paul mumbled.

"You know what, this family is the best family I could ask for." Quincy reminisced, grabbing Paul's hand and squeezing it.

"Me too dear. Me too." Paul said.


Hope you liked this one. You guys seem to like when the Beatle Boy are being domestic as hell. So here's Paul being domestic and all. But that's all. Thank ya so much for 200 reads on this. It's fucking insane. Bye now.

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