boys - r.s

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Year: 1959
Beatle: Ringo Starr
Name: Harley June Hafsten
Relationship Status: friends for 8 years

Me and Ritchie sit in the kitchen of my stepdads house. "So how's the band search?" I asked. "Oh there are a couple but none of them are very persuasive." Ritchie melancholy stated. "What's got you so down?" I pried putting my hand on his. He huffed "It's just no one seems to want me. Do you know why?" He asked, his eyes like they were likely pour at any moment. "I'm not sure but I think its cause you have amazing talent and you would take over the spotlight to much." I reassured him. He smiled and wiped his eyes so the tears wouldn't escape. "Sorry I don't mean to cry." He said. "Well how is he?" My stepdad, Jack said. He soon graced the doorway with his towering height. "Just fine Mr. Hafsten." Ritchie gulped. "You better not do anything funny to my Harley mister." He joked pointing his finger in Ritchie's face. "Dad stop. He's not doing anything funny. Were friends. Just friends." I stated wistfully to my dad and Ritchie . My dad nodded and left with one brisk movement. "So that was awkward. Wasn't it?" Ritchie said breaking the tension the was self consciously in the air. "Yeah." I flatly stated. I soon got up and went to the bathroom. "Why don't we go the cavern and see who's playing?" I inquired. "Yeah. We could." He answered. "Well get ready." I rushed me and Ritchie out and to my room. "What should I wear?" I asked holding two different outfits. "The right one." Ritchie said pointing to the right one. "My thoughts exactly, Ringo Bingo." I childishly said. "Don't call me that, Harley Marley." Ringo quipped back. I soon trampled him and tickled. "Don't ever call me that." I screamed. All I wanted to do to Ringo was tickle him to his sides hurt and he apologized. "What do you have to say, Rich." I glared, attacking his sides. "All I have to say is this." He soon grabbed ahold of my wrists and flipped me so I was on my back. "Now what do you have to say for yourself." He proudly shared smiling from ear to ear. "I'm sorry okay." I giggled. He soon helped me up. I wasn't much shorter than Ritchie him only being 5' 8" and me being 5' 6". "Y'know your very strong." Ritchie said. "Yeah I am aren't I." I said a content smile resting on my lips. "We should get going it's almost 6." Ritchie said tapping his wristwatch. I heaved up and out of my bedroom door and we made our way to the door. "I'm going the cavern with Ritchie. Won't be back till about 11 past." I called out to a quiet abode. Ritchie just shrugged until my father voice bellowed through the house. "Okay be safe and don't drink too much." We soon made our into the crisp cold of a Liverpool evening. We frigidly walked to the cavern until the bouncer said "I.D please." We handed him our ids and he skimmed over them not caring how old we were. He shook his head and went in. We were soon greeted with the warm smell of alcohol and ciggie mixture. "Have got a cig." I asked Ritchie. He nodded and said "you know those will kill you." "Well we're all gonna die eventually." I quipped taking the fag in my lips and lighting it. I took a drag. "Let's get a beer." I said imitating every other gruff manly man. "Haha very good impression." Ritchie said light ing himself a cig too. We made our way to the bar and Ritchie ordered two Heinekens. We soon grabbed our drinks and went to a booth. "Do you think anyone will be interested in making one of there band members?" Ritchie self consciously asked. "They will want you in there band once there your amazing drumming skills." I reassured Ritchie. We soon finished our drinks and went to the middle of bar and danced wildly. Ritchie nudged me when a new band came on. I looked up and saw the bands leader staring at me. Once he saw me staring he winked and continued tuning his instrument. We soon resumed our maniac dancing when Ritchie tugged me back to our booth. "I think I'm gonna ask that band if they need a drummer. Since they don't have one." Ritchie suggested. I nodded and we soon came to the right of the stage and knocked on a door that said band members and employees only. Soon a man answered the door. "What do you want?" He hoarsely asked. Ritchie looked terrified and he should because he isn't very tall and the man was 4x his size. "Uhm. Can I speak to the band that was on a few moments ago?" Ritchies voice quavering. The man nodded. A blonde haired, blue eyed stud soon shook mine and Ritchies hands. "How are ye?"
He asked. "Fine." I said. "So what brings you two back here?" He asked. "Well my nervous friend here wanted to ask if you guys needed a drummer?" I asked. "Yeah we are need of a drummer and I'm in need of a date too." He said smugly smiling. "Uhm that be great." Ritchie piped in. "And that's a no on the date sorry." I said. He soon sat down on the couch and sulked. "When do you want to audition?" Ritchie asked plopping next to the man. "Can you do next Saturday? And the name is Rory Storm." Rory said. "Yeah I can do that and my name is Ritchie." Ritchie said. "Were gonna need to change that name." Rory said. "Well what do you wanna change it too." Ringo asked. "How about Ringo since you wear so many rings." I asked. "Okay but what about a last name?" Rory asked. "How's about Starr, with two r's. Because Ringo your gonna be a star and it's a different of spelling it." I suggested once again. "Okay you got yourself a name. Ringo Starr." Rory said. "So I'm in the band." Ringo asked excitedly. "Yeah your in the band." Rory said. Me and Ringo soon jumped up and down in excitement. We soon left and I went home. I opened my door to my dad giving me the third degree. "What are you so happy?" He asked raising an inquisitive eyebrow. "Ritchie is in a band now. New name and all." I squealed. "Calm down girl I'll lose my hearing. What's his new name?" My dad said. "Ringo. Ringo Starr." I said sighing.
I'm sorry if was shorter than all my other stories. But I did research on Rory Storm and the Hurricanes and did you know they made Richard Starkey change his name because it wasn't artistic enough. So he went with Ringo because his effinty to wear rings and the Starr was cause his drum solos were billed Starr time or it might be an abbreviation for Starkey. But that was an interesting fact I learned today.

Goodbye Fellow Earthlings and remember Love One Another ✌🏼🕉

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