when i get home - j.l

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Year: 1962-64
Beatle: John Lennon
Name: Carolyn Elizabeth Samson

Relationship Status: Affair for 3 years

"Grandma Cee. Grandma Cee." Weston pestered, tugging on Carolyn's nightgown. "What it is it?" Carolyn asked, tucking Presley into her bed. "Tell us the story of how you met a Beatle." Weston swiftly implored. "Yeah. Tell us the story." Presley jubilantly mimped. Weston and Presley jumped up and down continuously. "Okay. Calm down before your mom, Julia yells at me for riling you up." Carolyn urgently said. Weston and Presley calmed down. "It all started in 1963 when I was in a secret relationship with the one and only John Lennon. He had the most beautiful bushy, mop-toped brown hair." Carolyn dreamily said. "Why was it a secret relationship." Presley inquired. "Because Presley, Grandma Cee did a bad thing and was in relations with a married man who also had a son." Carolyn explained. Presley nodded and sunk farther into her bed. "Okay, so it started in 1964..." Carolyn started to say. "Hold up. Hold up. We were past that part grandma." Weston said. "Oh, sorry. I'm so forgetful." Carolyn apologized. "His name was John Lennon and it first started in 1962 when I was at art college in Liverpool and everyone went to the cavern. He was always playing there and he would occasionally ask me to have fun time with him." Carolyn dreamily said.

:Start of Flashback Sequence:

"Hey Carolyn can you met me in the bathroom." John asked me. "Yeah give me a minute." I said, chugging the last of my rum and coke. I soon slithered my way to the Cavern bathroom.

"What took you so bloody long." John said, snuffing out his ciggie. "Sorry, I wasn't gonna waste good..." Before I could finish John threw himself at me and tugged me into a stall. "Take off your skirt." John demanded. I did what I was told and felt things no one could've imagined of feeling. I soon felt him put his cock into me and he thrusted into me. I gripped and tugged whatever was available. "John. John. You are so fucking good." I earthily said. "You so fucking good." He growled, biting my earlobe. He grabbed my thigh and draped it on his arm and thrusted fast and hard. I moaned. "I love it when you moan my name." He seductively whispered. "I'm gonna. I'm gonna..." I squealed. "You gonna what, baby?" John asked. "I'm. Gonna cum." I breathlessly replied. I soon hit my high. John soon hit his high too.

We soon cleaned ourselves up and went out of the stall. "That was amazing." John said, buttoning the rest of his shirt. "Yeah it was." I said, still breathless from the love making session I just had. I kissed him. "Bye, Johnny boy." I growled in his ear. He tugged me back into the bathroom. "Oh no you don't. It's time for round two." He said. We soon were half naked again and he was thrusting into me when the door opened.

"Hey John it's time for us to go. On" Paul said. Paul went from doe-eyed to wide eyed in a matter of milliseconds. "Oh sorry didn't know this bathroom was occupied." Paul apologized. John soon ejected himself from me and turned around pulling his pants up in the process. "Sorry Paul. Got held up." He cockily said.

I soon got decent and went to leave. I went back to the bar and sat with my friend, Sandra. "You didn't just do IT with John in the bathroom." Sandra asked, raising an inquisitive eyebrow. "No I didn't." I fibbed. She eyed me up and down and stopped at my disheveled hair. "Yeah. You obviously didn't do anything." She sarcastically replied. "Okay maybe I did." I confessed. She gave me some money and left me.

"Y'know John you can't keep doing this to Cyn. I mean she is carrying your child as we speak right." Paul brought up. "Yeah I know it's just. I don't know I like that bird." John said. "I know you do but you can't just string her along." Paul stated. "I know." John said.

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