millions - j.l

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Hello. Let's do something different. Onto the story.

Name: Penelope Hadies
Beatle: John Lennon
Year: 1980

The millions and millions of souls that would filter in and out of the underworld was astonishing. Penelope loved her work but Charon and Thanatos made it unbearable. All because she was a lady and daughter of hades.

"Penelope. Deal with him." Thanatos threw this man at her.

He looked up at her in fear. She'd never seen such a troubled soul. So much pain and suffering for the x amount of years they lived.

"What will you do with me, madam?" He questioned, looking onto her ominous figure.

Penelope didn't like the way her body looked it was too blue and kind of dead looking. Her eyes were deep set into her sockets and it looked like she was a skeleton. Auburn brown was the color of her hair or the color she chose to dye it every few weeks.

"Do you have coins or ways of payment, sir?" She asked kindly, softening her stance so as to not scare this man away.

"Not that i know of." He said.

"Okay. So, well have to barter a deal or figure a way to get you to the underworld." She said, sitting on a rock. Turns out the rock was Artemis.

"Hey, Penny." Artemis yelled, ruffling her hair. "How's my favorite niece?" She added.

"Just fine." Penny, patted her hair back down and saddled next to the unknown man.

"And who's this handsome fella?" She smiled, inspecting the man next to her.

"Someone looking to cross that ruddy river. That is." He smarted.

She internally slapped herself for his comment. She apologized to her aunt.

"It's fine. He's a firecracker that one."  Artemis stated.

"What's your name, sailor?" Charon said, making an appearance.

"It's John." He answered.

Charon nodded and made his way to other attendees and did his usual thing.

"Well, best be going." Penelope said, dragging john behind her.

She had quite the grip. John had absolutely no clue how he ended up here. He just remembers walking home with Yoko and the next minute he hits his head on the ground and he's here.

"So, to go over what this place is." She motioned to the current setting. "Your dead and that boat will take you to your destination." She pointed to a giant kayak row boat.

"Oh, okay. That fine." He acted coolly. When in reality he was freaking out. How could he be dead. He wasn't no more than 40 years old, that's too young to die.

"Well, i cant do much else." Penelope shrugged.

John reveled at the thought of a woman being around these conditions. He felt for her. He was in Hamburg for god sakes and he was there for long periods of time.

"What exactly are you? You definitely aren't a dead human crossing the river and you definitely ain't a ferry worker. So what are you?" He asked, leaning his body on a rock.

"I'm Hades and Persephone's daughter and I help the souls who end here cross over nicely and remind them of what is here and what this is exactly. Makes it easier for you mortals to get the idea that your dead. Though I tend to scare people away with my appearance." Penelope said, looking over at the ferry. Charon was currently bickering with an attendant.

"Well, you haven't scared me off." John laughed, rubbing his neck.

"Yeah." Penelope laughed.

"Also why do i look like my 18 year old self?" John asked, shifting his jacket around.

"Because that was when you were happiest or at least that's when you felt most at peace. See when you die you stay the age you were in your past when you were happiest or felt the most at peace. It was a turning point for you and things were turning up. You'd either be 18 or 20 years old."

"Why those ages?" He asked.

"Because like i said those were you happiest times or when you felt most at peace with how your life was going regardless of the few hardships you went through." Penelope clarified.

John shook his head and went silent.

Penelope went over to talk to Charon to chalk up a deal.

John stood staring at the women who just changed the whole course of his existence and his beliefs. Who thought this is how you end when you die. Man did he have some stories to tell the others when they'd join him. Hopefully they end up in the same place and he'd greet them with open arms.

"So, I struck up a deal with Charon and you can go on it'll just go on your tab." She reappeared.

"Oh, okay and how much can I  put on my tab?" John smiled.

"I don't know. You planning on visiting here again if you can?" She smiled, giggling a bit.

John shrugged, waltzing over to the row boat about to leave.

"I'll see you soon hopefully, Penny." John waved, blowing her a kiss.

"Maybe." She hollered, waving back. Watching the boat disappear across the river.

"What a strange human man he is." She laughed to herself.


Hello, all. How's you doin? Hope you enjoyed this. It's a bit different than most imagine considering there's heavy Greek mythology woven in the story. But i thought it was an interesting way to write a Beatle story. But i hope you enjoyed this because this was amazing to write and i had fun coming up with ideas and all that jazz. Have a good one y'all. ✌🏼️& 💚

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