grandpa paulie - p.m

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Hello. How did this get so many freaking reads. It's insane!!!! You guys are amazing but as you read the title it has to deal with Paul being a grandfather. Well, actually you'll just find out. Let's get on with it. Also, these are imagines so this is all fiction. So don't take it to heart. This all came from mind. Now lets actually get on with it.


Name: Racheal Blair McCartney

Year: 1999

Relationship Status: Daughter

Beatle: Paulie Pie (duh)


Racheal wakes up to a shooting pain in her side.

"Will. Will. Wake up." Racheal shook her husband, William awake.

"What is it honey." Will mutters, groggily.

"Willie, baby girl is coming." You frantically reply.

That gets Will in full-gear. "Go call your dad and the rest of the family. I'll get the hospital bag." Will runs around making sure everything is in order.

Racheal dials her fathers number before anyone else.

"Hey, Dad."

"Hey, Ray. How's the husband?"

"He's just fine." Racheal pauses and catches her breath.

"I can't chat for long."


"Because see there's a baby on the way."

There was a quiet silence that made Ray nervous.


"Oh. Really because isn't a little soon."

Once he said that you felt a little water leave your uterus.

"Uhm. Im pretty sure."

"Okay! I'll call everybody. You just worry about getting my grandchild safely into this world." My dad, Paul basically was jumping up and down in excitement. Another grandchild.

We soon piled into the 4 door sedan and made headway to the hospital.

"Yes. Hello my wife is in labor." Will yells a lot louder than he expected.

"Okay what's the name?" The brown-haired RN asked.

"Uhm." Will looked to Racheal looking for a fake name to use.

"Kelly Boyd."

"Okay." The RN jotted that down.

"Okay. Your in delivery room 43."

Will and I hightailed it to the room and waited.

My dad was the first to come.

"Hello sweetie. You feeling all right?" Dad asked.

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