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Here's a ditzy one for you.~

I came up with this in bio and I just??

I thought it was good at the time.

Oh well. Have some more words.

It ends kind of abruptly because I couldn't write past that. I ran out of pages. ))):


Soul was one for using big words. He used them in his thoughts constantly. Adjectives kept him busy when he was supposed to be listening in class. Synonyms and antonyms plagued him in his empty moments. Words made him a happy person.

Not that anyone knew of his interest, of course. 

Why would he mention something like that? 

It would be a little weird. The only "cool" one of  the group, using big words? He, unlike Kid, didn't derive amusement from confusing Blackstar. He didn't like being reminded of the long days spent homeschooled in a dusty room, the sting of a ruler across his knuckles and the sharp bray of the piano teacher, who'd been totally out of her depth. 

He still liked words all the same. In places where he sat unnoticed, he would watch people and wonder to himself ways to describe them. Like Patty. She was madcap. Most definitely. Liz would be shot to bullets in scary situations. Both were stalwart, loyal to their meister and friend. They were as easy to enrage as his partner.

Kid was urbane. Plagued with asymmetry daily. His heart was in the right place but his words came out jumbled up and sideways and everything else besides. Blackstar was obstinate. Definitely. He pursued his wish to surpass God with a doggedness that was (grudgingly) admirable. His partner, Tsubaki, was a temperate soul. She was someone you didn't mess with. She could be an animated girl, holding a grievance with a disposition not unlike her (obvious) crush. 

Maka was a lot of things. That's what he liked to think. He spent more time examining her and choosing words for her than any other he'd met. She was stout in battle, quick and sure. That quickly became an unshakeable surliness that could only be absolved with ice cream. She was amiable most times, easily incensed. That was mostly his doing. He liked the way her cheeks flamed and how she scrunched up her face. It was.... what was the word? Cute. Yep. Cute, right up until she attempted to murder him with that book of hers. 

Crona was a fainthearted little thing, timorous and shakily comforted by a pillow and a corner. Soul wasn't quite sure how he felt about them. He was a little distrustful. They did cut him open, after all. But Maka had taken to the swordsman like a moth to a flame, eager to be their friend and help them

live normally. He supposed he was a little jealous. He tried to stay away from that train wreck.

His stomach twisted unpleasantly, face steadily numbing. Maybe he shouldn't have rested his head on the notebook. What were other words for pain? Catch. Malady. Affliction.

Maka looked over at him, eyes narrowed. A single digit pressed against her lips. Shut up? He hadn't said a thing. He huffed. Overbearing. He should add that to her list. How could he have forgotten that? His eyes fluttered shut as his mind whirled, breath evening out. Cold to gelid? Was frore a word? Let's make a list for Stein. Caustic. Moonstruck. Mad as a March hare...

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