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Harry Potter AU! Don't worry, there's not really any spoilers for anyone who hasn't read it, considering this is just a headcanon. Also, a side note; if you haven't read this series, you should definitely consider it.
Oh man, this is so disjointed. Sorry guys. Most of this was written around 4am, forgive me.

"I wouldn't care so much if you didn't reek so strongly of that weird hair gel stuff!" Maka jabbed his cheek for emphasis. He flailed uselessly, grunting as emotionally constipated males tend to do when their shorter counterparts murder them with their itty bitty finger sticks. "Chill out, tiny tits!" He received another jab to the cheek for his troubles. Her eyes were drawn to the luminous bubbles that spiraled ever so lazily from the frothing tub of destruction, narrowing with understanding.

"Soul, dammit, the Amortentia! The Amortentia! Give me the spoon!" Of course, she followed in a parents' footsteps; snatching the utensil right out of his hand and jamming it into the steaming mess as if it would do a whit of good. He huffed overdramatically, flicking her forehead. She rubbed at the welt and attempted to shove his face into the cauldron. He redeemed himself by drawing himself to his full height and glaring down ominously at her.

"Have you been hanging out in the library? You smell like a dusty old book!" He retorted. She kicked him in the shin as payback, backing away and hastily dipping a vial into the vat. He swore loudly, drawing the attention of the teacher, who deducted twenty-six points from Slytherin. Maka bit back an angry comment and dug around in her bag for a bottle - shooing off Soul's comments on how much literal crap she had bottled in her bag, and did she own anything normal? Really? 'Cause he wasn't seein' it.

She dragged from the depths of hell a bottle that looked to have been through the shrieking shack. Soul nearly had a heart attack, watching her hand get so close to the innocent sparkling - love potions were, are, will always be dangerous. Who knows what would happen if she, a small bean, touched something so horrible.

Ravenclaw garnered fifteen extra points on the spot and he threw out any concern. He hissed his betrayal and she only laughed, handing over the friable bottle with something like satisfaction in her eyes.

Soul had wondered why the professor hadn't needed proof. She'd barely glanced over before smiling that strange little smile of hers, waving her hand in the air like a queen. Maka had smiled (a much more endearing smile, in his opinion) and patted his cheek gently.

He wasn't the only one who cursed themselves for not realizing.

Maka hadn't been to the library at all. She'd been cramming for the herbology exam. She's been spending time with Tsubaki stressing over the difference between a mutated pea pod and devil's snare.
Soul was out of hair gel - has been for weeks. He'd tried to borrow Blackstar's bottle, but barely escaped with his life - the gryffindor, convinced he was truly up to no good, had tried to fight him in the bathroom.

Characteristics of Amortentia? He strove to remember - Maka couldn't believe she'd forgotten (and was kinda miffed about smelling like books. What was she? A stereotype?).

Of course. Of course. Should check the list again. Mother-of-pearl sheen. Yeah. Spiraling steam. Check. Already knew that. There was a third, wasn't there? Yes. She knew it. She just... Needed to make sure.

Maka found herself paging frantically through her 7th edition Magic of Drafts and Potions, running her hands down the pages in a sleep deprived attempt to read faster.

At the bottom of page six-ninety-three was the list. Short, simple, to the point. "Well." Sniff. "That's, uh." Cue nervous fingers tapping against the paper. "That's real nice."

The print wasn't bolded, wasn't underlined, wasn't italicized. It still stood out to her like a neon sign. She snapped the book shut and slid it under her bed, stubbornly refusing to even whisper the words for fear that they might be true.

Soul, of course, brought it up. He'd known as soon as he realized the time of year it'd been. Spring - temperatures breaching normal - she was out and about when she wasn't in the greenhouse. She didn't smell like the equivalent of ten hours an hour of time spent in the book house.

"Yo, you know the characteristics of that stuff we bottled a while back. Right?"

She fidgeted, eyes cast skyward. "Yeah. So?"

His gaze shifted, watching her face for a moment, before he smiled. "I forgot." She groaned and pushed him down the hallway, the nervous spell broken.

Not a thing changed between them. Save for everything.

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