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"Ugh, fine. I'll go."

"Great! Get over here. We have so many cloooothes for you!"

The dial tone sounded, and I glared at the phone for a moment, incredibly inconvenienced, before pushing away from my desk to wander into the living room.

"Liz wants to take me clubbing. If I call, can you please pick me up?" I asked, halfheartedly pulling my boots on. Soul, curled up on the couch, just snickered in response.

"I don't want to get stuck there!  Especially in whatever weird outfit they decide to shove me into." I complained.

Soul, without even glancing from the magazine in his hands, said, "I mean, sure, but I'll make fun of you the entire way home." I flicked his shoulder and sighed dramatically, sparking a short laugh from him as he turned the page. After sliding my feet into my boots, I grabbed a house key off of the coffee table and threw myself into the sweltering sunshine.


"Hey, Maka!" Liz yelled. I stopped just short of the gates and squinted around suspiciously. She popped out of thin air, swinging a gate open and yanking me through it.
"Ihavetheperfectdressforyouohmydeathyouhavetoputitonandihavesomanyideasformakeuppattygetthedoortsubaki'shereokayletsgo!" Liz's words ran together in her excitement. My wrist ached with the pressure of her grip, but I laughed anyway and allowed myself to relax.

Tsubaki was already there when we entered, giving an extremely excited Patty all of her attention. Liz let go of my wrist and gestured towards the free chair. I wasted no time in sitting, rubbing my wrist gently as Liz dialed up the volume of the most bass heavy music I'd ever heard and got to work.

"Whoa. Okay, okay, yeah. I can see this. Totally. Wow." I murmured an hour and a half later, staring holes into my reflection.

Tsubaki looked almost like a painting, save for the nervous motion of her hands against the red velvet of the dress she wore. She smiled adoringly as her eyes caught mine.

"You look beautiful, Maka-honey." I grinned back self consciously and thanked her, cooing over her stunningly curled hair until Patty and Liz reclaimed our attention.

"Alright! Okay! Let's go!" Patty threw open what I thought was a closet, but through Kids' Wonderboy powers it was a portal directly into a popular club. Whichever one it was I absolutely couldn't tell you, but you didn't need to know to enjoy, right?

Some unknown time later I stumbled into the street with my friends. Tsubaki, ever the responsible one, made sure that each of us made it home. She searched for my house key, got me inside, and delivered a classic forehead smooch before shutting the door behind her. 

I drank the bottle of beer I stole from the club, finishing it and tossing it into the trash. The floor honestly looked really, really comfortable. I slumped down and closed my eyes.

Yup. I was right. It was.

"Maka?" someone asked, their voice grating in the alcohol rush between my ears. "Hush." I said, too far gone to actually deliver it with any semblance of irritation.

"Oh death." A pause.

"You're way, way drunk." Someone lifted me up.

"Guess what?" I asked suddenly. Thoughts ran jumbled together in my inebriated mind, but one stood out from the rest. It was very important. And I really had to tell someone, or I felt like I was going to burn up from the inside out.

"What?" they asked.
"I love someone."

The person stiffened slightly. "Who?" they asked. "S..S.." I started. Then I frowned. "It's on the tip of my tongue.. It's at the back of my lungs.." I slurred. Then I clapped my hands together.

"Soul!" I announced. "Soul for sure. I never connected with nobody like that. Like, not just because our job, but because I always feel ready to take on anything when he's around. He fills my heart all up with adrenaline, and sometimes I feel my heartbeat in my tummy when he, you know, and wow, I love him so much." I sighed and immediately went limp,

"Talking wears me outtt." I muttered. The person chuckled. "Don't tell Soul I love him though. Okay? Promise me you won't. He doesn't love me and it would ruin our.. uh.. thingy. Like that whole thing. Down the drain. gurgle."

"Wow, you're a little slow on the uptake tonight, arent you?" They said. I frowned. "Am not," I muttered, reaching up to deliver a weak ass maka chop. "God, Maka, even when you're shitfaced your chops are painful!" their voice dipped slightly into the pained, pouting cadences I knew so well.


"S-s-sorry, Soul.." I murmured. He set me on my bed and I rolled under the covers. "What do you have to be sorry about?" he asked. I dragged my hands down my face as he patiently removed my shoes and tucked me in, ignoring the warm, cared for feeling that sent my conscious thought rocking gently.

"I don't wanna ruin our.. our.." I trailed off and waved my hand in the air, avoiding eye contact. He reached out and cupped my chin, smiling softly down at me. "You won't." He said. "But-" he cut me off with a kiss to the cheek.

"I promise. I love you. Now shut up and go to sleep."

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