...What Do Boys Even Call Sleepovers?

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Not a lot of Maka and Soul interaction, but I've had this in my drafts too long not to at least put out. sorry to disappoint. I assure you the next addition will provide more of the precious potato tot fluff-


"I, YOUR GOD, DEMAND YOU HANG OUT WITH US!" Soul held the phone away from his ear, sipping tea. "No." A long keening sound on Blackstar's end made Soul shiver. "IT'S IMPORTANT! About, you know..." Soul's sigh cracked and sizzled like popcorn down the line. "Ask Kid. I'll bring ice cream if he gives the okay." He muttered, eyes darting. He had to make sure Maka wouldn't catch him in the act - he needed to retain his dignity for as long as he could. Blackstar nodded, remembered Soul couldn't see him, and yelled enthusiastically into the phone before hanging up. Stupid. Phone met cradle with more intensity than it would have liked.

Maka walked into the kitchen. A few notes repeated themselves in her hum, resonating strongly with "Misty Mountain". Oh, Misty Mountain. How she loved that song so. Even more so than him, he mused. She'd lovingly placed the readings from whence the song came on a shelf easily accessible, and she was found with it constantly. She was so attached to a little thing. She wouldn't even let him touch it. Much less read it and see what she loved about it. Did she not trust him? Was he a horrible person?

He slapped himself. "I'm being possessed." He convinced himself. "By a sap who blushes and stammers. They're pretty damn emotional too. Not cool." He continued to converse with himself, aimlessly pacing the hallway. This was a frequent occurence, and the sight of it amused Maka to no end. Anyone looking in on the situation would have written him off as a loon.

"Only sometimes," She'd defend occasionally. Most times there would be laughter in her eyes and a smile tucked in the corner of her mouth and she'd just watch, arms propping her up over crossed knees. She'd watch as he was teased by Blackstar, her voice small and cold and as efficient as a scalpel when it got out of hand. It was rare, usually brought on by the bushin staying out of the way of humans for a long period of time spent training in caves. The few manners he maintained usually flew out of the window.

The phone went off again, beeping innocently. Soul snatched it up like the last twinkie and stabbed at the buttons. "Get the ice cream. You know where the money is." Blackstar had entered "assassin mode". Thank god he'd actually started using what he was taught - Soul enjoyed that the idiot could actually lower himself to a whisper. It made conversations so much easier.

"Maka?" He picked up his cooled cup, sipping what was left with slight distaste. Cold milk and tea wasn't the best thing. That was reserved for its opposite form. Steaming hot tea fresh from the kettle, tea bag still nestled in the cup, milk stirred ever so gently into the mix. Soul was definitely a tea man. Maka was a die-hard lover of coffee. Black coffee, straight from the pot. She'd drink it by the potful if Soul'd let her.

Unfortunately the few experiences wherein she'd done as she liked scarred him too much to bend to it. Those creepy wide eyes... That weird jumpy voice... The way she'd skittered, rather than walked. It made her practically invincible, the caffiene mixing with the adrenaline and probably the monster she'd snuck somewhere when he wasn't watching. The after effects left Soul shivering. No. He couldn't deal.

He called her name again, recieving an answer in the form of silence. He forged on. "I uh, I'm going to Kid's house. Probably won't be back until tomorrow." She stuck her head out of the doorway and smiled fleetingly before returning to the coffee pot. "Have fun at the yaoi fest." She teased.

"Love you too, nerd." He laughed to himself, passing her on the way to his room to pick up some clothes. She huffed after him, almost sad. The whir and click of finished coffee distracted her and her mood bounced back drastically. Soul would be gone, she could drink her coffee all in one go and read. Nice. Lonely, just a bit so, but nice.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jun 07, 2015 ⏰

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