Latching On

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Lift my heart up,

When the rest of me is down.

"Shh, it's okay. It was just a nightmare." Maka soothed quietly. He looked up at her with sleepy eyes. "I'll stay right here until you fall asleep, okay?" Her voice was kind. His lips curved up and he closed his eyes in content.


You enchant me,

Even when you're not around.

It always came back to that note. The one that reminded him of the sound of her soul. It hummed in the back of his mind as he payed for an insanely priced new book set that Maka had been wanting. He would do anything for her. Including paying forty-three dollars for a box set of The Mortal Instruments. Anything to see her smile.


There are boundaries,

I will try to knock them down.

"You know you can tell me anything, Soul." Maka reminded him gently. After a moment of hesitation, he opened himself up the smallest bit. "I used to be a worldwide pianist.."


Latching on babe,

Now I know what I have found.

He held her tightly, clenching his teeth as tears fell down his face. He could've lost her. He couldn't lose her. She was his everything. Why did it take her almost dying for him to realize it?


So encaptured,

Got me wrapped up in your touch.

Maka touched his face gently. He unconciously leaned into her hand, closing his eyes at the warmth. When she drew her hand back he resisted the urge to grab it, instead looking at her with an unreadable expression.


So enamored,

Hold me tight within your clutch.

Maka hugged him, her tears darkening his uniform. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her close. She'd found out her mother had died. Kami Albarn had died months ago in the Sahara Desert against a witch. Her dad had been sending the postcards all this time. Maka sobbed openly. He kept his steady silence.


Do you do it,

You got me losing every breath.

She leaned over the couch and asked him a question, one he didn't hear because fuck she was so close to him, he could feel her breath on his neck, felt her hand on his leg that she was using to steady herself, felt her gaze on the side of his head. His pulse quickened, but he looked at her out of the corner of his eyes as if he couldn't care less. "I didn't hear you." He struggled to catch his breath when she pouted, because holy shit it was adorable, the way her eyes saddened and the way her lower lip jutted out just a tiny bit. "I asked if you wanted takeout?"


Did you give me,

To make my heart beat out of my chest?

He remembered when he wasn't into his miester like that. He remembered when he started actually looking at her. Not a normal oh-she's-right-there kind of look. More of a holy-shit-that-skirt-is-short kind of look. More of a she's-looking-at-me-what-do-I-do kind of look. His heart beat at seventy miles per second as he stared at the tabletop. He tried to think of the formulas they'd learned for quadratics. Tried to think of the numbers of pi past 3.14. His mind continued to drift back to that little smile. Because now he is. He doesn't know what happened. His eyes follow her as she walks down the hallways, lingers on her legs one second too long. He started glaring at poor freshman who wanted nothing more than to talk to his meister. That was three years ago. 

He looked down at their joined hands and smiled.

Now I got you in my space,

I won't let go of you.

Got you shackled in my embrace,

I'm latching on to you.

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