I love you, I love you, until the end of the world.

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Maka sighed as they passed yet another fawning girl. She admitted her weapon was unfairly attractive, but they didn't have to be so blatantly flirtatious when he walked by. Damn. She tch'd irritably as yet another jealous glare landed on her. Of course they didn't like her. She was fairly attractive, though her tendency towards violence overshadowed it. And she lived with the famous Soul Eater. Made his food every other night, washed his clothes every other week. Ate with him and went on missions with him and knew him inside and out. 

Soul smirked, playing every bit the confident death scythe, though his grip on her hand told her how nervous he was. No matter the type of attention Soul would never be comfortable with so many people watching him. Maka squeezed back reassuringly. He looked at her with those dark eyes, those eyes that made her want blush and smile and laugh all at once, and she gave him a soft smile. She giggled as his face flushed.

The link between them bristled in embarassment. She giggled more, covering her mouth in a poor attempt to stifle them. Soul dragged her into an abandoned classroom and shut the door with his foot, pinning her to the wall in one fluid motion. "It's not funny." He pouted. She leaned up to kiss him, her lips feathery soft upon his. "It's gonna be okay." She murmured. He let out a shaky breath. She hugged him tightly, saying nothing until he was fully relaxed.

"I love you, I love you, until the end of the world." He smiled and hooked his arm around her waist. "I love you, I love you, I love you." She giggled and kissed him for a moment, taking his hand again and leading him out into the hallway. 

Neither wanted to explain why they were pink and blushing. Nor did they want to explain the glances they snuck at each other when they thought the other wasn't paying attention. 

Their friends gazed upon the pair with a grin that was one part adoration and one part calculating. They'd find out someday. They could wait. 

Or, you know, they could enlist a certain magical cat with a ridiculous amount of magic power.

But one way or another they would find out.

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