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The worst thing that could ever happen is coming home to see your fearless meister, the love of your life, crying on the sofa.

Soul dropped his jacket onto the hook by the door, took a step, and paused. Soft sniffles came from the living room. The sniffles gave him a horrible feeling. He shut the door quickly and walked into the room, stopping almost immediately. Maka looked up from her fetal position and smiled. "Sorry. It's all these allergies." She gave him a watery smile. Soul raised an eyebrow. "I'm not stupid, love." It was her turn to raise an eyebrow. Her cheeks flushed. "It's nothing." She attempted to stand, but was glomped by Soul. "Maka~ tell me what's wrong~" he sang. A tear splashed onto his arm. He pulled her onto his lap, one arm around her waist and the other holding her head to his chest. His cheek rubbed against her soft blonde hair.

"It's just the girls at school." Maka finally mumbled. Soul hugged her tighter, shifting into protective mode. "Who? What'd they say?" He asked. She bit her lip, drawing Soul's attention. "Simoah.. the girl with the curly pigtails. She.." Maka gulped before continuing. "She says I'm not worthy of being your partner." Maka whispered. She clung to Soul's shirt, nervous and afraid of his response. Soul pulled her back gently, tipping her head to meet his eyes with his hand. "Maka, you're my meister. Forever." He said softly. A tear slid down her cheek. He kissed the tear away, licking his lips. "You're the only one who's been able to resonate with me. And put up with me." He kissed the next few tears away.

"You're the only partner I'll ever accept." More kisses. He stopped and stared down at her pink face. "But why?" she managed to ask. He smiled. "Because.." He kissed her on the lips, probing gently with his own. He broke off after a long moment. "I love you." Maka smiled, tears forgotten. "I love you too."

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