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"Don't leave meee"

"I'm not going to, idiot."


"Get off Soul. It's hot in here."

"You're hot."



"Just about."

"Fuckin sexy, man."

"What the hell?"

"Mmm, you smell good."

"Um, thanks? Now get off. You're smothering me."

"Don't leave me Makaaaa"

"You sound like my papa when you're drunk."


"Yup. I called Kid, he's gonna come pick us up."

"But my motorcycle's out front!"

"You're drunk. No way in hell are you driving."

"You just gotta believeee!"

"How about a big ole fuck no."

"Are you kicking me out?"

"What the- no, dumbhead!"



"Cuz then I'd be on the streets."

"No I'm sure someone would take-"

"And then I'd have to be a stripper."

"The fuck?"


"Um, okay."

"Mnnn, I looooove you Makaaaa."

"Eh. No point in hiding it. You won't remember it anyways."


"I love you too."


"Your breath.."


"It doesn't smell like booze."

"...Lookie there, it's my bike!"

"You weren't drunk?!"

"For a bookworm, you sure are dense."

SoMa: A Collection Of OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora