36. Giving chances

Start from the beginning

"Now those are the magic words." I grinned as I got back to my feet, the girls doing the same. All of a sudden I realized I felt like a dog in a cat house being the only guy around and I deflated on the walk outside.

The drive to Kitty's was pretty quick and I watched her peek into the garage before giving me a thumbs up, Chelsea backing out of the driveway and heading back into town while I lounged in the passenger seat. When she parked I hopped out behind her, catching the cigarette she tossed me before I took a seat on the bench to relax. I hid behind a pair of sunglasses and took a deep breath, aware of a strange sensation as I inhaled and exhaled. It almost felt like I was more in tune with the inner workings of my body. I noticed things with a lot more detail and while slightly uncomfortable I'm sure the sudden awareness was apart of the transformation.

"It's so weird to see you in something other than black," Chelsea laughed to herself as she re-emerged from the coffee shop, handing me a cup before I got to my feet, "boss man was in today so he knows I'm home. Gave me shit for my hair but he's glad all's well and good."

"Good, take it that means you'll be picking up the usual schedule again?" I sipped at the lid while we walked back to the car and the taste of salted caramel washed over my tongue, a smile crossing my face as I settled into my seat.

Chelsea nodded and we took off toward her apartment, glad to find everything still in order and untouched as she walked back to her bedroom, dropping her bag off while I left my shoes at the door. Her little multicolor macrame tapestries that hung above the couch tickled the back of my head as I sat down, kicking my feet up and giving her a warm smile when she joined me again.

"Oh, you poor thing," she tsked as she crouched beside one of her plants, "I knew this was gonna happen, and I know just what will help."

She grabbed for a glass of water before drizzling it around the pot, whispering under her breath as she traced a different sign in the air that glowed a lively green. The sigil sunk into the pot and I watched before my very eyes as the wilted leaves grew healthy again, small, purplish blooms unfurling to her delight before she got back to her feet.

"I've been trying to get this plant to bloom for years!" She laughed triumphantly as she sat beside me, "I'm honestly so, so thankful Delilah gave me that little book. I wouldn't have been able to save you without it and I don't know what I'd do if I lost my favorite alien up there on that mountain."

"We actually took a peek at the pages while you were gone just to see what was there," I told her, "have you tried out fireball yet?"

"I wanted to but decided to let myself learn a few more easy tricks before trying that one. Lord knows I am the dumbass who will burn down her own apartment trying to play with fire."

We shared a bright laugh as she curled closer into me, her body warm and comforting; this was the first time to ourselves in a couple weeks and I was enjoying it. My new normal was about to be a lot different but hey, different was definitely welcome.


My shiny new key slipped into the lock with ease and I took a deep breath as I threw the door open, the house as gray and gloomy as ever. It was like there was a dusty film over the lens I was looking through and I couldn't help but feel hollow about the whole ordeal. I was happy to be home but it had come at a cost, one I never agreed to.

"Mom?!" I raised my voice, waiting to hear the inevitable sound of footsteps or the bedroom door opening while we walked further into the home.

"Kitty?! Are you guys home already—?"

She appeared from around the corner to the kitchen and stopped about five feet from me, her eyes flickering between the two girls stationed at my sides and I gave her a shaky, teary smile. Her phone slipped from her hand before she lifted them to cover her mouth, moving toward Jules first while the redhead stepped closer and reached for my mother. She seemed surprised that Jules was actually tangible and huggable but she quickly pushed that aside to squeeze Jules with all her might.

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