13. Snow

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My feet moved before I could, starting as a walk before I stumbled, picking up the pace until I was sprinting across the clearing. A velvety black dress billowed around her thighs in the breeze and I saw that her hair had gained a few inches just like mine, her mask covering her face but no matter what I'd recognize those eyes from anywhere. Her cackling laughter echoed over the water when I swept her off of her feet, her arms wrapped tight around my neck while my legs crumbled beneath me. Before she could say a thing I pushed her mask away from her face, kissing her as I crushed her body against mine. I could taste salt and already knew I was crying as it seeped between the scars on my cheeks.

"You made it." Her hands moved to cup my cheeks. "You actually fucking made it...!"


Chelsea's squeal of excitement rang out in the clearing as she bolted from the trees, falling to her knees just as she reached us and wrapping the girl tightly in her arms while they sobbed . My gaze shifted and I caught Thomas hanging back, not sure if he should join us but I held my hand out and offered him a smile.

"Get your ass over here alien boy."

He laughed as he pulled his hands out of his pockets, walking over to our dog-pile before he knelt, his touch slow as she latched onto him but his chest heaved while he squeezed her. Her eyes glistened as she shifted her gaze back to me and I could see nothing but love shining in them.

"You all...actually did it," Snow laughed as she wiped at her eyes, "I wasn't sure if it would work but it did."

"If what would work?" Thomas asked while he pulled away, all choked up and tripping over himself.

"The photo at Nina's," she sniffled, "I— I didn't know if you'd actually get Chelsea to help. I fucking banked on a whim and I'm so glad you fuckers figured it out."

"You had that little faith in me?" I teased and she shook her head.

"W-We should go," she started suddenly, letting me help her to her feet, "I managed to slip away from Liu in the crowds, if we're lucky we can—"

We all froze, a branch snapping in the darkness catching everyone's attention. I whipped my knife out immediately and pushed Snow behind me, Thomas doing the same to Chelsea as the kid we'd seen earlier appeared. His head twitched to the side and I saw that his mask had fallen, revealing a missing, scarred cheek and visible teeth.

"You're n-not getting away this time."

"Have you dealt with these fuckers?" I hissed, the telltale sound of her knives echoing behind me.

"I've seen a few people on the way, guys in masks," she confirmed, "not this one."

"Well get ready for a fight sweetheart because he's a mean son of a bitch."

"You know me," she cracked a sinister smile as she moved to my side, "I'm always ready to play."

God, I missed you. The man moved forward and to my surprise Thomas moved quicker, whipping his foot into one of the other guy's hands and dislodging one of his hatchets. Snow and I moved in sync, dashing forward with knives bared and taking aim. He hit hard and managed to knock Thomas back but Snow landed a hit on his arm, slicing through his sleeve as I swung my knife. He blocked it with his remaining hatchet and I pressed forward, coming eye-to-eye with this motherfucker while he twitched.

"Who has the bounty?" I snarled, his lips curling up in a smile.

"Wouldn't you like to know Snow White?" He snickered. "Let's d-dance, princess."

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