22. Losing the upper hand

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It was dark as I walked through Tempe, my eyes on the roads ahead as I traced the path I'd taken before. The old house was on the outskirts of the desert, an abandoned mansion that no one ever bothered to demolish after the owner passed. I saw it on the horizon and I kept my pace steady, approaching with caution to the wind while I hiked my backpack further onto my shoulders.

The house was locked but it was easy to get in through the windows, glass scattered around the floor and I dropped my bag off in what looked like a kitchen, old appliances covered in dust and cobwebs. I'd come here before with some of the friends I used to have but they all either moved away or didn't want to be seen with the freak who was obsessed with serial killers. I twitched again and heard a car pull up outside before I took a defensive stance in the foyer. It took a few tense moments before Claudia appeared from one of the other rooms, slapping her hands together to clear away the dust while I watched closely. Either she thought this would be a clean win or she was just an idiot because she was still wearing her good clothes, expensive jeans and a branded jacket to keep out the cold.

"You've got some balls asking me to come out here," she practically snarled in the moonlight, "and alone?"

Hands suddenly wrapped around my arms and I put it together pretty quick she'd brought her two nitwits along with her. Shit! Malcom reached into my pocket and pulled my knife with a snide laugh before showing it to Claudia.

"Look what little missy had on her," he laughed, "looks like she was planning to draw some blood!"

"Give it back."

My voice shook with rage as I watched him shove it into his pocket. Yoni laughed beside me as she locked her arms around mine to keep me still.

"What, did your cousin give you a killer going away present?" She mocked, "you think you're some hardcore bitch like she is? That those serial killers will think you're sooo cool because you fangirl over them?"

"They think I'm cool alright." I laughed darkly, a wide, painful grin pulling on my face. I couldn't control it. "Kit-Kat and the boys will have your heads if you lay a hand on me."

"Yeah, bullshit," Claudia called me on it with nothing but confidence, "you said it yourself you hadn't talked to her before she decided to go on a murder spree across the United States, you think you can backtrack now to make yourself look better?"

"Yeah, bullshit," I growled, "that was before she called me last week after Eyeless Jack and Jeff the Killer showed up on my doorstep. You know those boys you saw, the pale one at the head of your bed and the dark one waiting at your feet?" My lips curled further as she recoiled. "Jeff and Tom won't take too kindly to you, not after you already got a spot on their shit-list for what you've done to us. They'll make you pay."

"Man she's real creepy when she starts going," Malcolm snorted but he seemed to realize something was up when he saw the real fear on Claudia's face, "hey Dia, what's up?"

"Y-You...you sent them there," she stammered as I snickered.

"Bingo, baby."

"Wait, you were serious about those two guys?" Yoni asked, her grip loosening. "That means—"

"They'll be here tomo-row."

My voice sing-songy tune echoed in their petrified silence, a dark, haughty giggle tearing through my chest. The only thing that made me pause was Claudia's hand moving behind her back and producing a weapon, the barrel of the pistol staring me straight in the eyes. I'd never felt my face pale as fast as it did when she clicked the safety off.

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