38. Shit list

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Eyeless Jack

It was weird waking up in Chelsea's bed again, greeted by her colorful tapestries and the fresh air from all the plants scattered around the room. She was still fast asleep in my arms, using my chest as a pillow and the sunlight hitting her bare shoulders made my heart swell; the dark letters were still there, they always would be, but I'd certainly never look at her any differently for them. I moved to tuck her hair behind her ear and she blinked awake, groggy eyes rolling around until they locked with my eyeless gaze and lit up with a smile. I did not deserve this woman.

"Feels good being home," she hummed, snuggling in a little closer, "got my plants, my bed, my favorite monster, life is good."

"And I've got my little witchy woman back in my arms," I teased and listened to her muffled giggles as I planted a kiss on her lips, "think you'll take Delilah up on that apprenticeship offer?"

"Might as well, if I can fight I'm going to. Not just to have my own back but yours too when that tall-ass shitpole of a creature comes around."

"You should learn fireball," I pestered and she stuck her tongue out at me while I laughed.

"Maybe when you change the bong water out for yourself I will," she bit back and I grimaced, her snickers fading while she reached for her phone and wiggled up closer in my grasp. I played with her hair while she checked notifications, noticing the blonde roots beginning to show through but I was smart enough not to point those out while she spoke, "Kitty wants to know if we can grab her and Nina's bags or if she has to get off her ass and get them herself. Looks like they're probably staying with her mom, something about a divorce and not wanting to leave her alone."

"Yikes, I wonder what the fuck her dad did," I whistled.

"I'm sure we can ask when we get there," she chirped, sitting up and giving me the most pleasant view before she got to her feet and gave me and even better one.

While she wiggled her jeans over her hips I grabbed for mine, getting dressed and scoffing to myself as I plucked the gray jacket off the ground. She led the way through the apartment and grabbed her keys, pausing before reaching for the door and running back into the kitchen to hand a spare one over to me. My heart skipped in my chest and while I understood that it was probably for the best I have it anyway, it still meant she trusted me enough with one. That old guilty wave washed over me as I ran my thumb nail along the cracks and I squeezed it tight enough to sting.

"You sure you want me to have this?"

"I figure if you're going to be my boyfriend it's only fair," she said brightly, "plus with all of our shenanigans and my work schedule you need some way to get in when I'm gone."

"I still can't believe you're okay with a cannibal as a boyfriend," I laughed, my face burning while I wrapped my arms around her.

"Can't be a cannibal if you're not human," she reminded me with a cheeky smile, "Tom I don't care what you are, you came to rescue me and I wouldn't want anyone else waiting for me when I got home."

"Of course I came to rescue you, Chelsea I—" I caught myself, my throat tight but as caught sight of those stormy eyes I knew it was true. "Chelsea, I love you. I'd go to the ends of the earth and back for you, it's the least I could do after everything I've done."

"Well you don't have to." She reached up to cup my cheeks and she kissed me sweetly, a smile trying desperately to fill my face while she pulled away. "Because I love you, too."

I crushed her in my grip, her giggles echoing as I lifted her from the ground and swung her around. We grinned from ear to ear like a couple of idiots when I finally set her back down and sent her on her way, doing her the favor of locking the door behind us before we hopped in the Xterra. Delilah would be at work so when we pulled in I grabbed for my key, looping Chelsea's onto the ring and listening to the jingle as I let myself in. The creepy cat greeted us from the counter and Chelsea gladly scooped him into her arms with a bwurr, my gaze narrowing when he gave me that little Cheshire grin.

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