25. Teeth

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"...and today, after finding two bodies in the old house, they find another hanging from the rafters with multiple stab injuries to the face and mouth. Her parents were found in similar condition at their home with a signature 'Go To Sleep' painted on the wall. It is believed that the Smiley-Face Killer and his accomplices have been the cause of the recent murders here in Tempe and we are warning all citizens to lock their doors and windows at night and follow..."

This wasn't all Jeff and Kitty.

Nina's face flashed on the screen and they revealed she was still a suspect and wanted for questioning but that she was still missing. My stomach churned and I had to choke back the bile in the back of my throat. Nina must've killed the first two and Kitty went looking for Nina, going straight to the source and taking the final girl that got away down with her. These were kids, Kitty. You're really no better than Jeff like this...

The door opened and closed behind me, Ann finally off shift and I took a breath of relief while I got to my feet to greet her. She pecked my lips with a smile and hugged me tight, her warmth easing the tension in my aching bones. Her eyes drifted to the TV though and a sad look crossed her face as they talked more about the killers.

"That girl that disappeared, wasn't she Kitty's cousin?"

"Yeah, I met her once. Good kid, a little too obsessed with serial killers," I sighed, "now look where it got her..."

"There's always more to a story like this than it looks," Ann chirped, moving to the kitchen to set her bag down, "I'm sure she had a reason to snap, not that I condone it, but it happens. Look at Kitty for example, didn't the first girl she killed have this massive vendetta against her?"

That's no reason to kill.

"I really don't want to hear you defending Kitty's motives again— either way, I think I need to make my way down there, until Kitty finds Nina they're probably staying in Tempe. That means I can get that shot in I missed in Silver Cove."

"Liu, really?"


"Her baby cousin is missing." Ann stated with a stern look on her face. "Can't you give them— I don't know, a couple weeks to get her to safety? Or better yet just leave them alone. This has gone on for long enough."

"Long enough?" I laughed incredulously, a type of anger rising that I'd never experienced before, "'long enough' is letting a monster like my brother roam the streets and kill just to get his rocks off. Long enough is sitting in the hospital for over a year while he killed everyone else I knew. What's gone on for long enough is the fact we've let him keep doing this, day in and day out."

My hands twitched as Ann shook her head, moving to walk to the bedroom while I took her place in the kitchen. Something....something was talking to me. I could hear it in the back of my head and I felt a fuzzy, staticky squeeze. Why doesn't she understand?!

"Look, all you are ever focused on is Jeff this, Jeff that, Jeff and Kitty, I'm fucking sick of it," she turned to look at me and there was something in her eyes I didn't like, something that opened up a gaping maw of fear deep within me. "I don't care what you do anymore but if you leave to Tempe, I'm not going to be here when you get back. You need to move on with your life and put all this shit behind you but you refuse to. He's a serial killer, sure, but honestly I can say this country could stand to lose a few people."

"What the fuck do you mean, 'lose a few people', Ann? Over a hundred, two hundred? When does it end?"

"It ends when it ends, and we don't need to be mucking about with it when it does," she quipped, "when the hell's the last time you took me on a date, huh? One that wasn't using Kitty as bait. The last time you actually came to bed with me? I can't even remember the last time we had sex, you know."

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