8. Dark arts

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It was Sunday when we finally arrived in Oregon, the weather a lot different up here for October than it had been down in Tempe. I was relieved but at the same time I wasn't much a fan of the cold, although, the sight of rain drizzling around us as we pulled to a stop was comforting, like nothing else. Baby, I'm home.

A sort of calmness had overcome Thomas somewhere along the way and he seemed a lot more chipper and a lot less sour about his life. Whatever had happened I was definitely enjoying him not being a Debbie-downer for once in his life and I helped him down as we came to a full stop, the two of us dashing off into the night before we could be caught. It was around five and we'd probably be arriving in Silver Cove closer to nine, but we'd made it with time to spare at least.

"Oh God I forgot how much I hate the rain," Thomas muttered as we trudged along the highway, the sun having long set by the time we even made it this far.

"Come on Jacky boy, we have such fond memories in the rain!" I laughed brightly as I pushed him, earning myself an eyeless scowl.

"I'm going to fucking eat you."

"With how much alcohol I consume my kidneys are probably better off the menu than on it," I sneered, noting a building in the distance that made my hopes soar, "look, look! Are we here?!"

"Looks like it," he laughed, pulling ahead of me as we both started to jog.

Once we got a little closer I saw that yes, we were indeed back in Silver Cove; not much had changed since we left and I was ecstatic to be somewhere I knew like the back of my hand. We passed by the school as we trotted along the sidewalk, memories washing over me of the first time I actually saw Snow here in the parking lot with him. Everything felt so surreal, the only thing helping to keep me anchored being the rain that was slowly soaking through my clothes and making them heavy on my shoulders.

"I've never been so happy to feel the cold in my life," I laughed as we slowed to a walk, my throat tight with old, fuzzy memories, "oh God this feels like heaven."

"You are one weird motherfucker," he said with a chuckle as we approached a small house tucked back in the trees, the lights on and a familiar truck in the driveway.

I'd always heard him and Snow talking about Delilah but I'd never got the chance to meet her until now. Thomas seemed a little leery but he gathered up his courage and plucked his balls off of the sidewalk as he knocked on the door, opting to hang back as I waited for it to swing open. When it did I was surprised to see a woman who looked maybe 35, 40 at most, tiny as could be without being a dwarf. She did a double take when she saw him but there was a glimmer in her eyes that assured me we made the right stop.

"Tom...?" She laughed, reaching up and cupping his cheeks as he hugged her, "oh my God I can't believe it. What are you doing here?"

"Well..." he looked back to me and I took that as my cue, moving forward as her eyes widened, "we were hoping we could find a place to stay for a couple nights."

"You know you're always welcome here," she said warmly without missing a beat as she swept us both inside, the smell of sage and incense hitting my nose and it took everything in my power not to sneeze. I watched as she hugged him again, Thomas lifting her clear off the ground as she laughed.

"How have things been? Have the cops bothered you much since I left?"

"No, not at all," she shook her head, "they left pretty much right when you did. A few questions here and there but you know me, I can magic my way out of damn near anything."

"Good, God I'm so glad to hear that," he sighed before he looked over at me, "Del I'd like you to meet Jeff. We've been...unlikely friends since the night I left."

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