7. Long gone

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The usual alarm went off and I sat up, turning it off like a normal person for once and watching the two mounds of blankets across from me shift until they came to life. I smiled as Jeff sat up, his hair stuck up everywhere while Thomas yawned and rubbed at his empty eye sockets. A pit gnawed in my stomach and I didn't want to say goodbye just yet but I knew that they were going to find my cousin. If it was for Kitty I could stand to wait a little longer.

"Hey Neens, can I come in?"

"Go ahead," I called back softly as Chris opened the door, "they're leaving today so bid them farewell while I go change."

I closed the door behind me as I walked across the hall, slipping into jeans and running a brush through my hair before I tied it up for the day. By the time I got back I saw Chris fist-bumping Thomas while Jeff packed his things, my heart weighing heavily as I watched them. Chris left and I closed the door behind me, letting Jeff wrap his arms around me while I tried to hold back tears. This was just temporary, I told myself. I'd see them again soon, Kitty's birthday was in a week and from there we were home free.

"Now remember," he leveled with me as he pulled away, a smug grin on his face that lit a fire in my belly like nothing else, "always keep your knife on you, never be afraid to fight dirty, and don't let any nasty bitch walk over you like a doormat."

"Got it," I laughed as he moved to let Thomas squeeze me too.

"We'll make sure the moment we find Kitty you're the first to know," he assured me. "I left Delilah's number on your desk. If anything at all happens you call her and tell her Tom gave you her number. Hopefully I'll be staying with her once we get up there so it'll come straight back to us."

"I'll copy it down before I leave school," I nodded as I snagged the paper, shoving it into my pocket, "be safe. I want to see you again, see you both again."

"We'll make sure that happens."

"Nina, the bus is here!"

"Bye guys." I waved, choking back tears as I sprinted down the steps and out the door in the nick of time. Chris was already on the bus and I dropped down next to him, panting as I looked back toward the house. You couldn't see him unless you were looking but Jeff was waving in my window, shrouded by the tree as we passed by.

"They're really cool," Chris laughed as I eased into my seat, "I wish I'd gotten to meet them when you did."

"It's probably better you met them now, actually," I admitted, "they've tried to kill each other more times than I can count before Kitty went on the lam."

"Really? They seem like such good friends."

"I hope that's what they'll be one day, I wouldn't mind my mini-murder family not being up in arms for once."

We laughed as we relaxed for the ride, pulling up to the school and letting everyone off. I stepped out into the October air before I took a deep breath, feeling better than I had in months. Once I got into the building my chipper demeanor changed when I saw Claudia stalking around my locker and since I had to grab my history book for first period it meant I had to talk to her. Boo.

"You—!" She snarled, flying at me like a bat out of hell, "I don't know how the hell you did it but you're going to fucking pay—!"

"Slow down there chief, what the hell are you sputtering on about?"

"Those— Those things in my house last night!" She screeched and I played it cool as a cucumber; I learned to lie from the best after all, "I know it was you who got them to scare me, you and your fucking psycho cousin—!"

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