37. Closing a chapter

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The sun had gone down and I was tucked into the corner of my room with all the holes in the walls, tracing the knife-gouges absentmindedly while everything stung from violently sobbing for hours on end. I'd heard my mother get ready for work and leave the place to us, finally reaching for Nina's phone and connecting it to the WiFi while I tentatively went to her gallery. Lots of dumb memes, lots of pictures of her and Chris, but when I got to the end there was pictures Jeff and Thomas had taken while they visited and the video of them scaring Claudia. It was bittersweet seeing them now but I was still grateful all the same.

It was probably time I stopped moping in my room and I got to my feet, taking a deep breath to ready myself before I walked out onto the balcony. I could hear the girls talking down the hall but my destination was downstairs, pulling a bottle of Jeff's favorite whiskey from the cabinet and pausing when I saw a stack of papers haphazardly sitting atop it. In my snooping my cheeks began to burn, setting them back when I saw divorce terms and realizing my mother's dismay over my father's departure the last time we were here might've been due to something else entirely. If there was anything to drink to, that would definitely be it. I popped the cap on the way back up the steps and walked down to the guest room, peering inside to find Jules and Nina laughing over something or another before they noticed me.

"Guess who just found divorce papers downstairs," I laughed wryly, "guess old Papa Bear's been dippin' his fingers in the honey pot on his extra-curriculars."

"Ouch," Nina winced, "fuck, that's awful. At least we can be here for Aunt Ginny now."

"She basically said the spare rooms were ours," Jules explained, holding her arms in the air triumphantly, "bigger than my old room."

"I actually don't mind the twins, helpful if someone needs to stay," Nina hummed, "I don't know about the navy blue though, think she'd let me paint it plum?"

"Plum wouldn't be bad. We'll run by Delilah's tomorrow and get all of our shit, for now we get to kick back and drink to our heart's content," I snorted, taking another swig before I waved to them and walked back to my room.

I grabbed for my backpack, pulling my knives out and flicking them around my fingers while I attempted to distract myself from the screaming voices in my head. We want him back! We'll make that fucker suffer! My biggest desire right now wasn't even to have Jeff home, it was to sink my blades into that no-faced asshole's chest and listen to him scream. A knock on the door distracted me though and I called for them to come in, Jules flicking the lights on while I flinched and slammed my knife down into the top of the desk beside Jeff's gouge in the wood. She was concerned to say the very least but there wasn't a damn thing we could do about it.

"Nina and your mom are both worried about you," she started, "honestly, I am too. I've seen you drown your demons before but this is something else."

"This is what Snow scheming looks like," I chuckled darkly as I pointed to my chest, "I'm plotting to gut that mother fucker for everything he's done. I'm tempted to go out right now and stab a few assholes just to take my anger out."

She went quiet for a moment as I sat on my bed, stewing and seething while murderous intent flowed through my veins. Her eyes landed somewhere else though and she reached out, plucking the last picture from my wall and flipping it over before putting it back up.

"What happened to all our pictures?"

"Jeff has them." My twitching eased as a soft melancholy washed over me. "I used them as clues, trails to follow. I had to bail from here in ten minutes flat so I took my knives, my pictures, and as much clothing as I could carry."

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