39. Hate and malice

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"What happened with dad?"

Aunt Ginny took a deep breath and shook her head, setting her silverware down while all eyes landed on her. We'd saved her the hassle of making dinner and the five of us cooked instead, taking the burden off but it seemed there were other demons swimming around in here.

"When you, Tom and Jeff disappeared the cops came looking, asking questions and requesting records and financial documents. They saw you pulled all the cash in your account at an ATM south of here but I took my own look at the records and saw some things that didn't add up," she sighed, disappointment in her gaze, "purchases in Florida when he said he was in D.C., women's clothing stores, I did my own snooping and he fessed up when I confronted him. He was sugar-daddying some spoiled brat on the east coast. I had my suspicions in the past but..."

"Jesus fucking Christ, I am so sorry," Kitty scowled, anger in her eyes.

"The divorce was finalized in September and I told him the only thing I wanted from him was the house so that my baby girl had a place to come home to. When Jeff showed up...it was the first company I'd had in months," she admitted with a quiet laugh, reaching out and squeezing Kitty's hand while she pursed her lips to hide the quiver, "then he kept his promise and brought you home. This goes for all of you, if you have nowhere else to go the doors will always, always be open here. Murderers, monsters, magic, I don't care. I would rather have you here and safe."

"Well you're stuck with us for right now, we can't do anything until we know what Jeff's plan is and it's safer with Liu still running around."

The dinner chatter continued until we cleaned up and I stood at the sink, humming while I scrubbed plates and waved to Chelsea and Thomas as they packed up to head out for the night. Kitty, Jules and my aunt all sat on the couch and once I was done I joined them, taking over the recliner and cozying up with my favorite purple blanket by the light of the fire. I couldn't feel the warmth but the comfort was what really mattered.

"I was thinking of going to the bank tomorrow, opening a new account and getting a card for each of you," Aunt Ginny started as she set her glass down on the table, "I don't know how much cash you girls have—"

"I emptied mom and dad's account before I got here," I piped up, an approving gleam in her eyes as she nodded.

"I uh...when you're killing people, robbing them after the fact never seems too bad in comparison," Kitty admitted with blazing cheeks, "I owe you some cash for emotional reparations, having to deal with us."

"You don't owe me anything Kit-Kat," she reassured my cousin while we all shared gentle smiles, "all I ask is that you girls be so, so careful while you're here. I can't lose you again, any of you."

"Don't worry mom, the last thing I'm going to do is put you in danger. I did that once already, never again."

More plans were made for what our arrangements would be here. Aunt Ginny didn't expect two criminals and one girl that was dead to the world to be productive members of society but she asked that we keep the blood off the tile, take the murders two towns over and keep our heads down. Easy-peasy, I thought as I wandered up to my new room, closing the door and taking a few moments just to let it all settle in. I wouldn't be going 'home' after this, this was home now. It was refreshing and I smiled as I emptied my bags out, plugging my lights into the wall and wrapping them around my bed before hanging all my clothes up in the closet. The last few things I had were all from Kitty, polaroids and my knives, my Switch and her handwritten notes. I set it all down on the desk in here and thumbed the photograph, wishing I had one of all of us.

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