"It should have been. Anyway, I got to get out of this dress. Sorry, Dawn, it is stupid looking."

Dawn gasped, but knew that there was nothing she could say that could possibly convince Elizabeth otherwise. Tim O'Neill then came up behind Elizabeth.

"So! Elizabeth O'Neill!" He chirped.


"You sure we're not related? Because I've been looking into my heritage and—"

"No. We're not related."

"Because I was thinking that there might be a possibility—"

"There's not."

"Give it up, Tim," Scott said. "Please. Before you get hurt."

"Seriously, Scott?" Elizabeth asked. "Really, I can threaten the guy on my own, thank you. We're not related, Scott's nerdy friend."

"It's Tim," Tim squeaked.


Kitty was next. She was followed – rather closely – by Bernie.

"Oh you guys," Kitty gushed, "That wedding was... was..."

"It was the bomb!" Bernie said, finishing her sentence.

"Yeah, it was!"

"It was, like, totally killer when you cracked that dude over the head with that Bible!"

"That was fun, wasn't it!"

Kitty and Bernie then wandered off together, totally ignoring Scott and Dawn. "What do you think?" Dawn asked Scott.

"Kitty and Bernie?" Scott replied. "No way! Serious?"

"Why not?"

"Well, because he's a sasquatch, and she's Kitty Weems!"

"So? A smart, brilliant woman in love with a supernatural creature. Where have I heard that before?"

"'Smart, brilliant woman'? That doesn't ring a bell!"

Dawn elbowed Scott in the stomach, and not even playfully, just in time for Jill Jardine to walk by.

"So, congrads," she said. "Nice wedding, love the dress by the way."

"Thanks," Dawn said, "and who is this?"

"This is Professor Jill Jardine," Scott said, "and she was just about to leave."

"Oh, now!" Jill exclaimed. "Love the church, by the by. Maybe I'll come back sometime."

"Don't you dare."

"It's a thought. Toodles!"

"She seems nice," Dawn said as Jill strutted away.

"She's fairly nice, for a demon."

"For a what?"

Father was next in line. "Mr. and Mrs. Campbell. Congratulations."

"Father!" Dawn said.

"Yes, that is my name."

"I hear you're giving my husband a hard time."

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