Chapter 5

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"Adi? Adi! AAADIIIII!!" I could hear my aunt shouting outside the airport. Damn US consulate! Why couldn't you disapprove my Visa?

Her name was Rachika. She was my dad's sister, older than him by 5 years, and was married to a fellow Gujarati. She's nice, but sometimes gets too excited. She's also very sentimental. And just very colourful.

"I'm here, I'm here! Gosh, I'm not that great also, foi." I said, bending my head down in embarrassment as people were staring. She looked like a kid on Christmas morning.

"My only niece has decided to live with me. Of course I'll be excited, baba!" She exclaimed as she took my bags and loaded them in the car.

I shook my head, but I was still in gratitude to her.

"Foi, thank you for letting me stay with you. I'm sorry if I become a burden of any sort." I said as she closed the back door of the car. I think that's what it's called.

"Adi, na. You'll never be a burden. Only a blessing. Please, don't say that again okay?" She said in Gujarati, holding my face and giving me an emotional look. She almost had tears in her eyes.

She gave my a side hug and we both entered the car. It feels weird sitting in this car. Everything was on the opposite side!

"Raghav and Radhav are at home waiting for you. Fua has gone to work, but he'll come back by 6." My aunt said.

Honesty, I loved my aunt very much. It's just that she a lot to handle and can be too much at times. My dad was just a tamed version of her. Emphasis on the tame.

We reached her house. You know Spencer in Pretty Little Liars? Well, this house was like hers.

Since I was new here, I just followed my aunt into the house.

"Raghu, kinna, see who's come!" She shouted as soon as we entered. Muffled foot steps were heard and then down came my cousins.

Raghav was the older one, and born a year before me. He was tall, but only because he was lucky and played basketball. Kinna, A.K.A. Radhav, was younger to me by 5 years. He was the baby of the family, being the youngest and all. They had another sibling, Radhika, but she was working in India. She was older than me by 8 years, being the first daughter in the household.

"Didi!" Radhav shouted as he came running to me to give me a hug.

"Hey kinna! Sup? How are you?" I asked as I hugged him back and ruffled his hair. He gave me a huge smile before letting me go.

"Hey, bro." I said to Raghav as I hugged him. He replied with a "Hi" and patted my back.

After all the greeting, my aunt decided that I should settle in before doing anything else. She lead the way, and started to direct me towards the backyard.

Please God! Let wherever she's taking me be a nice place! Obviously it would be, but I hoped it wasn't some creepy outhouse thing.

She stopped in front of what looked like a barn. She looked at me with sheer joy, but I just replied with a confused look.

"Adi, I know that you like to dance and sing, just like your mother, so we rebuilt this barn for you." She said as she opened the doors.

I stepped in before her, and was paralysed with shock and joy.

There were many windows letting lots of light in, and were covered in translucent curtains that fell till the floor. To the right, there was a queen size bed covered in floral pattern bedding, and it closed off on three sides by dark wooden walls. Next to the bed, there was a mini fridge. I opened it to see the promised stock of cranberry juice and starburst. The wall behind the bed had a window as well. I automatically went towards the scene and sat on the bed. The wooden walls also had curtains, but these curtains flowed down from the ceiling. I looked at my aunt with confusion.

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