Chapter 2

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Dedicated to Ulfath09


I looked at my grandmother with what I hope was a menacing and scary frown. This Sunday was so not a fun day.

"Adi, we're old. We can't be expected to take care of a sixteen year old as erratic as you! We love you, but we want to live our lives like normal grandparents." My grandmother replied.

"Erratic? How the hell am I erratic? And I thought you loved me!" I shouted back.

"Adi, you know what I mean. And besides, even you aunt thinks you should go. The change of scenery will be good for you chinnu."

"Of course she wants me to. But ajji, my whole life is here! How can you expect me to just up and go?" I could feel the sobs at the back of my throat.

"We don't. Shona, we only want whats best for you. This house is just haunted with past memories, and even though you're doing much better now, you should go." She tried to convince me.

"No. I'm not leaving this house. This is my house. I wont leave."

"It will always be your house only don't worry. Shona, please. You are very important to me. I wouldn't say this if it weren't for the fact the fact that I was desperate for your well being. You can leave at the end of the summer. Please, it's for your own good." My grandmother said, trying to convince me.

I couldn't hear more. I couldn't see her anymore. I ran to my room.

Sure, I would love to go to the USA for my vacations, but not move there for the rest of my life.

Sure, I'm exaggerating. But I always am.

Right then, I needed my best friends.

They came twenty minutes later.

Ulfath came first.

I hugged her, and she hugged me back. I couldn't leave, especially when people as important as her were here.

She pulled back and looked at me with a concerned but worried expression.

"What's wrong?" She questioned.

"I don't want to go. I can't. There's too much to leave!" I sobbed.

I went on to tell her what my grandparents asked of me.

"And now that I started dating Rahul, how can I leave?" I asked as Lekha, with Rishub in tow (the crack head who claims to be my best friend. I'm kidding) entered my room. She froze.

"What's going on?" She asked. I filled both of them in.

"You do realise that your so called boyfriend is probably going to break up with you anyway cause he's actual shit, right?" Rishub asked. I threw a pillow at him.

"What? He's a player or whatever. He's probably only dating you because you're famous on social media." He said. Ulfath agreed, and I rolled my eyes.

"You're also a player only."

"Yes, maybe, but I don't date anyone. And I don't break hearts for my own sick satisfaction." He said. I didn't feel like arguing anymore because he was right.

We sat in a comfortable silence, despite the current dilemma.

"I think you should go." Lekha blurted.

"What?!" Both me and Ulfath shrieked.


"Hear me out." She started. "With what's happened with your parents and tenth grade getting over, you need a new start! Even you've been pining for one! So why not get one in the fudging USA?" She concluded.

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