Chapter 11

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"Oh my God." Franny said with a horrified voice. The boys looked at us guiltily, not saying a word.

"You guys are telling us, after so many days, you came up absolutely nothing?" Natalie shouted.

"We're doomed." Cassandra said.

They looked everywhere but at us.

I sighed. Knowing my brother, this was probably going to happen regardless of, well, everything.

"Today onwards, if you don't do your part, I'll get a damn gavel and beat y'all black and blue. And then my with my ever so trusty chappals. And then make you do the worst stretches ever." I warned.

"What are chappals?" Lorenzo asked. I took one of my flats off, showing him, and smacked it on the floor, the sound resonating through the art room. They all visibly stiffened, making me smirk.

"You're lucky that I knew this would happen. All kaththes only. Now, without a single complain, you're going to dance this choreography. If you say it's not fair, then you bloody well should've choreographed it yourselves." I said as I played a 5 minutes mix of different songs.

Natalie and I choreographed it, in case these fools did nothing. Boy am I glad in listened to Natalie.

It started off with a little old school hip hop, and transformed into what we dance today. It was a bit typical, but that's all we had time for.

They practiced, and didn't complain. Natalie pointed out their mistakes. I added to the corrections, ignoring one particular person. He would call my name and ask me if he got it right, but I'd just ignore him.

What? He deserves it!

They were staying back another hour after school to practice, having learnt all the moves.

I was leaving when Arjun called my name. I turned around to see him jogging towards me, attracting the attention of every girl whose clothes just barely covered their butts.

"What was that?" He asked, frowning at me. I raised my eyebrow at him, and then rolled my eyes. I turned back around and was about to walk when he caught my hand and pulled me back.

"Adi, what is going on? Why are you ignoring me?" He asked, a little angry.

"So you can ignore me, but I can't ignore you?" I asked, loosing my focus on the silent treatment I was giving him. His frown dissolved, and was replaced with guilt.

"I didn't see you." He defended.

"Oh really now?" Both my eyebrows were raised now, and my arms crossed. He rubbed his neck, caught red handed.

"Then in that case, I just didn't see you either." I said, smiling.

My aunt's car was visible.

"Look, I have to go, and you need to practice. Bye." I said, leaving before he replied. I climbed into the car as soon as she stopped, telling her that Raghav was going to come home later, and why as well.

"Adi, why don't you use your new phone? I've activated the internet pack also. Please use it, it'll give me a piece of mind." My aunt said. I nodded and said okay, not wanting to argue with her.

If you were wondering how my aunt was able to afford all this, let me tell you that my uncle has a very well earning job. He makes money, and a lot of it.

We reached home, and I went to my room, turning my new phone on. It was already configured, and working as well. I downloaded the basic apps, like Facebook, WhatsApp, Snapchat and whatnot.

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