Chapter 24

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Do you know how a bond becomes strong?

It becomes strong when its tested. When there are forces against it from being.

If it doesn't survive, it wasn't strong enough, but if it does, you better hold on to it.

No two people are always happy. They will always have their ups and downs, and sometimes they'll have more downs than ups. It's okay, because if they work on it, they grow stronger.

These bonds, they're important. Each connection that is made is important. We're all looking for something beyond flesh and bone.

We all have a soul, and so many of us lose it when we look for it.

Weeks went on from that eventful day. Fallon moved back to America but to the neighboring town. She kept to her own after, well, that day.

We were still in the competition, and soon it was thanksgiving.

I'm very unfamiliar with this holiday. All I know is what I've seen on FRIENDS and that people eat turkey.

My aunt and uncle decided that we were going to lake Tahoe for the holiday.

Lake Tahoe apparently is one of the largest lakes in USA, located in Nevada.

Honestly, for a person who is pathetic with directions and gets lost easily, all the information sounded like gibberish.

We were going to a BIG lake, that was enough information to me. Don't tell me about the geography, it's location and anything related to those two topics because I will be more lost than snow in the Thar desert.

"Adi, don't pack every sweater and coat you have, it won't be that cold also." My brother said, rolling his eyes as he saw my pack my bags.

"I googled the temperatures. It said minus. Minus! Of course I'm going to pack all these clothes!" I shrieked. He looked at me confused.

"The temperature is not anything minus. Are you crazy? No one would go there then. It's probably 20 degrees. Good place to go have fun in the snow." He said, jumping comfortably onto my bed.

"In Fahrenheit. In Celsius, it was minus six degrees. Now let me pack in peace you monkey." I said at I hit his leg. He got up and left, muttering words like the immature child he is.

Maybe I was being dramatic with my luggage contents. He said snow and that was enough to remove my hesitance to pack some more warm clothes.

When I zipped my bag, and Arjun walked into the room, looking as hot as usual.


"Are you excited?" He asked. I nodded. It was the first time I was going to see snow. Snow angels, snow fights, skiing ,though I doubt I can even ski a few metres without falling flat, and all the other things I watched people do in all those Hollywood movies.

"Adi, don't go." He said as he hugged me tight. I hugged him back, blushing.

"It's only one day. One. You lived your whole life without me, what's one day?" I said as I kissed his cheek. I took my bag of my bed and put it down.

Arjun grabbed me by the waist and pushed me onto my bed, falling on me simultaneously. He lifter himself up slightly so that I wouldn't be burdened with his heavy weight.

"Will you miss me?" He asked. I nodded, trying to control my blush.

"Will you flirt with other guys?" He asked, his index finger tracing my collarbone. I shook my head, concentrating on his soft touch on my skin.

"What will you do if they ask you out?" He asked.

"I will tell them I have a boyfriend, and that he is the bestest boyfriend ever and that no one in this world could replace him. And that he'll punch every guy who thinks he's too smooth around me." This made him relax a little and smile.

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