Chapter 30.2 - Author : As long as you have 998, you can bring a god beast home

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After Dan left, Du Ze looked at Xiu’s still bleeding fingers and made Violet bring some medicine and gauze. The “Mixed Blood” world has a rule: all healing spells can only be used on other people, not for themselves – just as doctors can’t heal their own illnesses.

Violet brought the medicine and gauze but gave it to Du Ze, not Xiu. Du Ze looked at the blue-clothed girl as she calmly retreated, shutting the door behind her. He felt that he should just give up: in the eyes of those two lily sisters, he and Xiu are a pair of gay men!

Du Ze kept his face impassive as he knelt down in front of Xiu to treat his wounds.

F**k! The cuts are too difficult to bandage! Du Ze spread the medicine on the fingers then repeatedly wound the gauze around them. The wounds did stop bleeding, but Du Ze stared at his hideous masterpiece, silent.

Good job, Xiu’s platelets.

“It’s good.” Xiu’s voice was happy: “Next time, please help me again.”

… Are you sure you want to test your healing ability by borrowing this young man’s hands?

Du Ze woodenly cleaned up the medicine and gauze then looked at the note that Dan left. In “Mixed Blood,” it was written that if someone tears up this note, Dan will be on call. After each transaction, Dan leaves another note. The protagonist cannot read the characters written on the note.

Thinking that Du Ze was interested in it, Xiu passed the note to him. “There is something written on it but I have never seen those characters.”

It was similar to the novel. Du Ze took the note and froze.

He could understand the characters.

Like the languages of the world, he can easily read these unfamiliar characters. Du Ze even came to a funny conclusion about this ability: because he is a “reader,” he can read all the words inside “Mixed Blood.”

The note was very simple, with only one name on it: Dantalion.

Du Ze was puzzled. Demon god Dantalion? What does he have to do with Dan?

Dantalion… Dan?

WTF! What! The! F**k!

Du Ze was thunderstruck. The reader’s mood was hard to describe. He had unexpectedly uncovered a spoiler about the plot of “Mixed Blood.” A huge spoiler.

The only thought in his mind was – the true identity of Dan, the mystery merchant of “Mixed Blood” is none other than one of the 72 demon gods, Dantalion? He is a god! A living god! Du Ze had read 500 chapters of “Mixed Blood” but he didn’t find out that the author had placed a god in the middle of the reverse side of the continent!

Now there is only one sentence that can describe Du Ze’s mood: Protagonist, come out to see god!

Du Ze’s strange mood was too obvious. Xiu saw his shaken expression and became anxious. Xiu asked: “What is it?”

“Dan is – “ The demon god Dantalion.

Du Ze’s voice stopped abruptly. He opened his mouth but suddenly could not say “Dantalion.” Once again, that unseen thing or person stopped him from revealing a spoiler. The feeling of his breath suddenly being caught in his throat was very unpleasant. Du Ze breathed deeply then tried to say some less dramatic words: “… a god.”

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