Chapter 79.1 - The Tower of God : Battle Hymn of Fury

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Under what circumstances would a stranger call you by someone else's name?

A. You look similar to that person.

B. You act similar to that person.

C. You are that person.

Du Ze tried to figure it out. Ever since Corellon said "father," some silly, cute person has been in a terrible state of confusion. He wanted to get information about the Creator God but hadn't expected to get such good intel.

In order to organize his thoughts, Du Ze listed various possibilities in his mind. Based on Corellon's reaction when she first looked at him, Du Ze ruled out the first possibility. After all, if he really did look like the God of Creation then Corellon would have called him "Father God" at first glance.

The second possibility is the one that Du Ze feels is most likely. He might have the same temperament or aura or something else that is similar to that of the Creator God. Since it was recognized by the leader of the elf gods, then that similarity must be some special attribute that only the Creator God has. This conjecture can be extended. Perhaps he and that God of Creation have some kind of connection and one day the BOSS will jump out and say to him: "Actually, I am your father!"


This conjecture was so terrifying that some silly, cute person's brain sprung a leak.

Du Ze shifted his attention to the third possibility. That doesn't seem likely at all but it is possible that everything is possible, and whatever seems the least possible is the truth, and so on. Du Ze has unscientifically crossed over into the world of a novel - Maybe one day he will be transported into the beginning of this world and become the God of Creation. If it's the God of Creation, it wouldn't be hard for him to change someone's appearance ... how come the more he thinks about it, the more it seems like it's the truth? A silly, cute reader shamelessly created a YY novel. The God of Creation's title sounded very elegant and Western--

From the corner of his eye, Du Ze glimpsed Xiu. The Protagonist is here; the End BOSS is here; the only thing to do is ...

Moe Lord, we are good friends, okay?!

The End BOSS will eventually be pushed down by the protagonist. Who wouldn't hug the thigh then? Du Ze thought that if he really became the last BOSS, the Moe Lord would still push him down, as to what the Moe Lord would do after he has pushed down Du Ze ...


Du Ze wanted to cover his face. Every time he thought of a possibility, it turned into something really stupid. Now he cannot come to any conclusion using the information from Corellon. The only thing he can do is to pin his hopes on the next trial. If the angel race's simulation is next, then the tsundere god of light should certainly have a lot of information about the Creator God.

Du Ze, Xiu, and the others were waiting at the hall. Five statues have appeared on the stone platforms. Du Ze looked around him and cast his attention on Xiu who was listening to the Thunder Regiment's report. Because of their coincidental reunion at the Tree of Life, not only has their team become bigger, they also have a lot more information about the Tower of God now.

Listening to their report, Du Ze felt a chill rising from the bottom of his feet. According to Rachel, the Thunder Regiment has a total of 300 people who were divided into 50 teams. The number of known casualties has reached half. The ones who survived were the ones at the level of Sword Saint and War God. The Tower of God is so cruel.

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