Chapter 84.2 - Tower of God : The Sky city

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Meeting a hated enemy unexpectedly would naturally make one angry. However, Enoch, that rash fellow, still wanted to say hello to him even under these conditions.

When the Moe Lord saw a wild rival appear, he threw a pokeball ... no, actually he immediately sent Old John. Old John's body flashed and in the blink of an eye he had struck Eric.


A middle-aged person with his hair combed straight back from his head attempted to stop Old John. It was obvious from the small golden dragon wing on his back that he was the golden dragon who had made a contract with Eric. However, Old John was now at the level of a False God so the dragon had only recited half of his spell but Old John already had his hand on Eric's neck.



Old John's voice was somewhat astonished and the golden dragon was startled. Old John's hand had penetrated Eric body, unable to touch anything, and the dragon magic had also failed to strike Old John, passing through him and shattering at the marble pillars in the distance. Both sides were like phantoms to each other.

It was similar to the situation in the hall, but with some significant differences. In the hall, the different teams are in different spaces. Even though they can see each other, they cannot touch or talk. However, the situation now was that they could hear each other's voices so they should be in the same space but the Tower of God would not allow them to attack each other.

The angel race's trial can be given the Nobel Peace Prize.

Old John retracted his hand as the sharp-eyed middle-aged person glared at him. The mechanical puppet smiled as though he had only done something innocent and harmless. At the same time, Eric's eyes swept over Old John and lingered over Xiu and Du Ze, before finally staring at Du Ze.

"God's Messenger ."

Du Ze and Eric looked at each other. A feeling of strangeness and something being out of place floated in his heart. The blond, blue-eyed young man, who was still being kept behind the protective middle-aged person, was wearing lightweight leather armor. It made him look like someone of the agility class rather than a knight in armor. Du Ze saw that Eric also had five feathers made of light on him. It seems that this was the symbol of the tower climbers during the angel race's trial.

Suddenly, a heavy weight made Du Ze bend forward from the waist as Xiu jumped on his back.

"Don't look at him!"

Du Ze heard Xiu shout those words and he didn't know who Xiu was talking to, Du Ze or Eric. A silly, cute person put his hands on his knees to hold his body steady as the Moe Lord's full weight was on him, making him unable to relax.

"Eric?" The middle-aged person's voice was uneasy. The sound of footsteps came and Du Ze could see a pair of feet from his downward view.

He heard Eric's voice close at hand saying: "God's Messenger, why are you so indulgent towards this heretic?"

Eric's voice was puzzled. It was not condemnation, but a kind of sorrow at being abandoned.

"Of course he'll pamper me." Xiu put his arms over Du Ze, like a child showing off the love of his parents to others. "This guy is mine."

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