Chapter 82.2 - Reader : These shoddy products are no good

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Suddenly, Du Ze felt that something was out of place ... something was wrong but he didn't know what it was. However, there wasn't enough time for him to think because Garl, who was beside him, had begun to move again. The gnome god went around Du Ze and put a hand on the wheel of time. His fingers were covered with metal precision machine tools. Garl cleverly moved his fingers at the junction of the gold and crystal parts of the wheel of time. He seemed to be disassembling it.

Even though Garl had a reason to do what he was doing, Du Ze still had to stop him because this an important clue.

"You can't -"

Garl glanced at Du Ze and stretched out his index finger. Du Ze instantly felt an invisible strip of matter tying up his body. Before Du Ze could figure out what it was, the transparent things that had been wrapped around him suddenly began to tremble violently. This strange reaction surprised the gnome god who looked at Du Ze with astonishment and uttered a single syllable expression confusion: "Eh?"

All gnomes love to make different types of machines but they each have their own areas of expertise. In addition to his interest in invisibility, Garl's studies are also about the integration of biological and mechanical systems. This field of study made it possible to endow mechanical puppets not just with mechanical characteristics but also the ability to think and judge for themselves.

The living machine that wrapped up Du Ze seemed to be fearful to the extreme. It was like an octopus who caught its prey only to find that the prey was its natural enemy. The living machine lost control of itself because of its terror and threw Du Ze away as though he was a live grenade that was about to explode.

Seeing that Du Ze was about to hit the wheel of time with such force that he would undoubtedly be badly injured, if not killed, Garl hurriedly tried to order the living machine to catch Du Ze. Unfortunately, the living machine was crazed with terror and unresponsive.


Garl missed his opportunity and Du Ze slammed into the wheel of time - he crashed into it. The ruler of the gnome gods was shocked when the wheel of time burst into a dazzlingly bright light and swallowed the black-haired youth once again.

Du Ze hung suspended in a silent darkness. This was strikingly similar to that time when the Moe Lord was trapped in the gate of knowledge and he accidentally fell on the wheel of time. Now that he had entered this place, Du Ze did not think too much about it and was determined to use this opportunity to find the truth about the master of the wheel of time once and for all.

Surrounded by darkness all around him, Du Ze hesitated for a moment as he gazed into the vast unknown, then very resolutely shouted into the darkness: "God of Creation?"

Du Ze's voice was like a drop of water dripping into a pool of dark ink. Ripples spread out in a circle and it was eventually absorbed by the darkness. There was no response. Du Ze was uneasy - was his conjecture wrong? He was just about to try again when a slight static noise, soft as a breeze, passed into his ear.


Du Ze held his breath because even the sound of breathing might drown out the other's words. The voices in the dark were unclear and muffled. If the signal was bad before, it was now very faint because of a total shortage of electricity.

[... You... Did you hear that... ]

Du Ze subconsciously nodded, but did not know whether the other side can see, so he said "mmm" softly. He spoke gently because the sound gave him the feeling that the signal might break off at any moment, leaving him in a precarious state.

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