Chapter thirty four

Start from the beginning

I rolled my eyes and took his hand, letting him pull meet to my feet, legs shaking and causing me to fall into his arms as I stood. Today of all days would be one of the worst to leave for a war zone, I felt exhausted.

"I'm alright, thanks, dear gods flying's going to be hard like this...wait, will I have to fly?" I asked while glancing up at him with a bit of concern, still gripping his arm for support as I stood in his hold. Anakin gave an apologetic look and nodded with a sigh. See thanks to my 'special circumstances' what with my sight and all, flying was difficult. Just like during the bounty Hunter chase, I could if I needed to though it was terrifying for most around, and myself usually just in that instance I'd been thinking to much about Anakins safety.

"Sorry, I'll try and take over for the most part but you have been issued a fighter and will be expected to lead your squad during it would be best to start early with me, I can show you the basics while we're in hyperspace heading out." Anakin replied as I slowly took a step away and stood unsupported on my own to feet. This wasn't the best news I could've got, but at least Anakin was willing to teach me on the way out. Rubbing my hands over my face again o tried to compose myself and wake up, though I really wasn't much of a morning person.

"Coffee," I yawned, blinking as I turned back to look at Anakin. He smiled back sweetly down at me while I tried to form my words. "I need coffee before I can even begin to think about this...could you...

"...make some? Sure," Anakin finished while taking a step towards the door, crossing over while grabbing a robe to through on. "You just take your time and get changed, there's no rush." He added as he looked back over his shoulder towards me and threaded his arms through the sleeves of the light robe. I had to find it funny how causal he was: given the we'd just been informed orders had been issued to ship us out, my Jedi boyfriend was incredibly calm and unfazed.

"Yeah no rush at all." I chuckled to myself while listening to him leave, looking around the room to find were Anakin had lain my dress last night. Eyes settling on a chair in the corner I found the folded red fabric, a little saddened by the thought that this was probably going to be one of the last times for a while I got to wear the beautiful dress. Maybe there'd be a mission in the future I could use it for. I'd certainly love to see Anakin in that suit again.

Taking my time but also trying to move fairly quickly I redressed into the dress, remembering I'd left my robe out in Anakins speeder. Stopping in the doorway I looked back across the room with a smile across my lips, quietly using the force to straighten the sheets out. Anakin had really planned a magical night, and to think he really did prepose to me. I swear he's always had my heart it's just taken me until now to realise. Since all those years ago as children we've been connected through the force, but there's more than that. When I'm with Anakin, I feel like everything will be ok, that no matter how things seem, we'll pull through. Together, forever.

"Something smells good." I spoke up as I headed down the last few steps into the open room below, the smell of fresh coffee and chocolate wafting up through the air. Anakin popped head out from the kitchen and grinned wildly seeming to be already wide awake.

"Damm I forgot how good that dress looked," He chuckled while looking me up and down, leaning up against the wall as he did so. I rolled my eye and lightly flicked his shoulder as I walked by in such of caffeine, smile growing as I found a full mug and brought it up to my lips. "What it's true? You should wear less layers with your robes." I heard him speak up from behind me causing another laugh from me at the idea. I believe the point of robes was modesty and protection. Lightly shaking my head I turned to face him mug in hand.

"So, you think I should wear less? On a battlefield?" I questioned back, watching his bright blue eyes darken slightly at the idea. The change along with the sky smirk across his lips caused a blush to darken my cheeks.

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