We snuck over and peeled from behind the couch, "Hi!" I grumbled.

"AHHH!" He jumped up.

He looked at us and scowled, "Oh. It's you two faggots." He spat.

"That is very rude. Your mother is definitely so ashamed of you." Miles crossed his arms.

He scoffed and sat down again, "Get the fuck out before I arrest you for breaking and entering." He closed his eyes.

He must think we care about cops... we don't.

I punched him in the face, "FUCK!" He groaned touching his jaw, "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" He screamed.

"Where is she?" Miles glared.

"Where is who?" He asked confused.

I punched him again, "Euterpe! Where did Nolan take her this time Dickweasel?!" I yelled.

"I'm not telling either of you shit!" He stood up.

Miles lunged forget him and started throwing hits while I watched him. His muscles popped out and I felt myself drooling a bit.

"Aug, stop checking me out." Miles laughed as he stopped hitting him.

I scoffed, "It's not my fault you're hot." I walked over and grabbed Dexter's face, "Where the hell did he take Euterpe? Where is she?" I growled.

He spat out some blood, "N-Nolan didn't take her. He... didn't take her." He choked out.

"What do you mean he didn't take her?!" Miles kicked his gut.

Dexter coughed, "Nolan is dead." He gasped for air.


Nolan is dead?

Miles and I looked at each other, but where is Euterpe then? Wait... don't tell me he took her.

"WHO TOOK HER?! WAS IT HIM?!" I snarled in his face.

If he took her then it will be so bad.

"She's in the UK." He cried, "Moore took her to some guy named Rydge. I have the address just stop!" He pleaded.

We barely did anything and he's crying like a baby, this is extremely sad. I have a feeling that he will pee his pants soon as well.

"Show us." Miles narrowed his eyes.

Dexter stood up slowly before motioning for us to follow him. He led us through a hall and took out a key to unlock one of the doors. That's a bit weird but we followed him inside anyways. As I looked up I stopped in my tracks and gaped at the room I'm standing in. There were pictures of her literally everywhere like a shrine on some shit. I turned in a circle just for my mouth to drop even more until I finally snapped.

"YOU ARE FUCKING SICK!" I shouted angrily.

He shifted on his feet, "It's not that bad." He weakly protested.


Dexter paled, "I'm sorry! She's just- beautiful! Please don't hurt me! PLEASE! I'll do anything!" He begged, "Here the address!" He grabbed a file with a free hand.

Miles threw him on the floor and grabbed the file before reading it over. Miles looked at me and nodded before we both looked at Dexter.

"We don't usually kill people because you know... it's bad and all but you, we'll make an exception." I chuckled.

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