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"Put this on right now." You shove a stack of clothes into Steve's hands as he stands before you in your bedroom. "Steven, please." You give him your biggest puppy eyes and pouty lip.

"Okay! Okay! Give me a few then, jeez!" He shuffles into the bathroom and you hear him let out a half laugh half sob.

"Where did you get this!" He shouts from beyond the door.

You hurriedly change into a dress Peggy left for you. You had visited her a few months ago when she was bed ridden at the hospital and you told her about this idea. She gave you a trunk of her old clothes and she wished you the best. She kind of gave you a stank eye at one point but you ignored it.

"I don't know! I wonder!" You shout back, smoothing out the few wrinkles in the dress.

The dress was one that she had worn before. It was a ruby red, tight, knee length dress. You paired it with red shoes and added a dainty necklace he bought you a year ago. 

"Come on out, Soldier Boy." You holler as you stand in front of the door. 

Steve walks out in his old uniform. The smooth brown fabric fit his body like a glove. You also shined his old medals that are pinned to his breast. He holds the hat in his hands. He finally looks up to you from his hat and a breath leaves his lips.

"Wow..." He reaches you and places his hands on your waist. "What's going on here?"

"My treat tonight, okay? I found this bar a few miles away. It's walking distance actually. It's a twenties themed bar. Thought I could, this is probably weird to say but, I'd like to be your last dance." A knot forms in your throat at the memory of Steve telling you his story about Peggy. About how she wanted a last dance with him on that horrid night before he crashed. You wanted to make this special, but you also didn't want him to completely forgot about you.

"The dress looks spectacular on you, (Y/N)." He nuzzles your neck as he embraces you in a hug. 

"Thank you. Shall we get going? Let's do what you did back then, let's walk there!" You grab his hand and you lead him to the door. "Wait, let's do this right." You walk over to the couch and you drop your phone, keys and a huge pocket knife.

"Woah, what's that huge sucker for?" Steve questions you as you approach him again.

"You're gonna protect me tonight, just like Buck did for you back then, right? And don't worry, I'd never use it against you." You wink as you stuff a few more dollars into your purse.


You both make it to the bar, there are people scattered outside dressed for it as well so you don't feel too ridiculous. Steve has had a smile on his face the entire walk here and is now beaming as you walked through the doors. You both walk up to the bar and take a seat. The music is being played from a live band too.

"Four shots of rum, please." You tell the female bar tender, you turn to Steve.

"Two and two?" He asks and he grips your hand. 

"Yep! Gotta start the night of right!" You lean and give him a peck on the lips. 

"I'm getting so anxious for nothing. I'd normally wait until Howard walks onto the stage for a new viewing of his next best machinery." He laughs at the memory, and you just smile seeing him as happy as he is right now.

"Here you go, wave for me if you want anything next, the name is Carly." She dashed off to deliver drinks to another couple further down the counter.

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