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"What is this?"

You look up from your cup of tea. Looking at the man before you, you let out a soft laugh.

He held up your two hundred pound Great Dane, Fish.

"That is my dog, Fish."

"My, what a big fish." He put your dog down.



"What is this?"

This 'What is this' game has been going on for hours now. It was quite entertaining.

"Why that is a picture of you, Thor."

"Why do you have a picture of I?"

"It's a poster I created, wanted to sell, but it was too good to get rid of."

"Oh. I am much better looking now. My long hair is gone."

You smile. You put your cup down. And stand next to him.

"You are definitely most handsome when you have shorter hair."

"Then I shouldn't have had my long hair."

You smirked. "It was one of your emo girl fazes."

You grabbed your cup again and headed to the kitchen.

He picked up other item and ask you. A paper plate. He was quite fascinated. A sponge. "Why is one side green, and the other yellow? Is it sick, M'lady?!"

You stifled a laugh. "No, Thor. It's definitely not sick. It's just a different side on if you want to scrub or not."

"I'm still the confusion."

You puffed your cheeks holding in your laughter, letting a few giggles out.

"You are still the confusion? Is that right."

He nodded.

"Well, I don't ever get questions about how to clean dishes..."

"No. Lady (Y/N). Why do you live alone."

You looked at him. "I don't. I have Fish."

You looked over to your dog who is fast asleep sprawled across his dog bed.

"I mean, alone as in no other human interaction." This explained standing in front of you.

"Well.." You look up at him. "You you can live here if you want.." You smile.

"Oh course! I shall go back to Asgard and get my things!"

You smile widely. He ran out of the apartment and swung his Mjolnir. And just like that he disappeared to gather his things to move in with you.

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