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The winter air nipped at your skin as you exited your medical tent.

"Hey Lil Mama."

You snap your head to the right meeting a group of men in a circle drinking some tequila.

"That's Dr. (Y/L/N) to you gentlemen."

You feel an arm snake around your waist.

"Actually Dr. Barnes."

You looked at him. And he choked on his spit.

"I mean... wow yellow snow is so cool..." James walked away.

You had a slight crush on him.

Anyways... You were the head doctor at the military base camp.

You've dealt with so many ignorant men today, all you wanted to do was go lay down and sleep.

"Dr. (Y/L/N). You are needed in the West side." You hear a com blare above in the speakers.

You sigh as you jog to your spot. Multiple men cat call you as you make your way to where you are needed.

As you're about to enter the West wing tent you turn your head as you hear a fist connecting to faces.

Mr. Barnes stands over three unconscious men as he shakes his bleeding fist.

You smile to yourself and enter the tent.


"God damn Steve. Who shot you?" You asked him as you tend to his gun shot wound.

"Calm down. I'm just freeing America from chaos. It doesn't matter!" He grumbles.

You pause after you finish wrapping him up. You put the bullet in a hazard bag and throw it away. You look at him leaning against a table taking off your gloves and face mask.

"You shot yourself."

His head snapped up. "W-W-What? You're acting ridiculous (Y/N)..."

He puts his shirt on. "You did didn't you."

He sighs. "I went to shoot at a HYDRA agent, obviously missed, and it ricocheted off of some titanium sheet Okay? I don't need to be embarrassed anymore today. Thank god no one saw it."

You laughed and the tent opened up revealing James.

"Except me. I saw it. And I helped your dumb ass here, punk." He punched Steve's shoulder.

He looked at you. "My names James. Just call me Bucky." He held out his hand.

"I know." You shook his hand. "(Y/N)."

He whispered something that you barely caught, but you did and it made your heart race. "I know."

You smiled. You shook your head. "If you'll excuse me. I'll let you be, Mr. Rogers. You need rest." You curtsied and went for the tent entrance.

You turned and nodded your head. "Mr. Barnes." And you exited.

The scent of blood burned your nostrils. And the biting of the winter cold hurt your bare skin.

You cupped your hands to your mouth and blew out warm air. "They need to fix this stupid attire a woman doctor has to wear..." You mumble to yourself, angry at how much skin shows.

You felt a long fabric being laid across your shoulders. It starts to collect your body heat warming you up a bit instantly. You turn your head.

"Bucky..." You breathed.

"Dr. (Y/L/N)." He winked.

"Oh please. Call me (Y/N)." You hugged the jacket closer to you. His scent rubbing onto your clothes. Yummy.

"(Y/N)..." He began.

You looked at him. "Yes?-"

Your mouth can't even form the next words you wanted to say.

An explosion goes off before you could finish your sentence. Your ears are ringing. You lay on your back with a searing pain in your abdomen.

"Help..." You croaked. You look around and see that you and Bucky flew a good few yards away from each other.

Your sight beings to blur but you make out a man running towards you. "(Y/N)! Oh god,       (Y/N)!"

"Buck...y...." You reach out your hand for him and you feel his hand grip you tightly.

"Oh god (Y/N)..." You hear him cry.

You look at your abdomen. An three foot long pole was inside of you. He rolled you on your side.

"Stop...Bucky..." You groaned. "Stop.."

He let out a sob. "(Y/N)... Doll... I'm no doctor but this doesn't look good." He let out a light laugh but ended up sobbing again.

You lightly laughed too but it turned into a vicious bloody cough. "I can't operate on myself Buck."

He held your hand. "Please don't go. I never actually told you how I felt." He whispered.

Fire. Ashes. Screaming. Gun shots. Crumbling tents and structures.

Everything started to blur more, Where you couldn't make out his face anymore. His voice gave you comfort.

"Say something."

"Excuse me?"

"I'm dying. Just say something." Your breaths are shallow and rigid.

He lowered his head. "Dr. (Y/N) (Y/L/N). I love you. And your obsession of operating on people." He whispered.

You smiled. "I love you too."

Your head laid back, your body went limp and your eyes rolled to the back of your head.

And all Bucky could do is; sit in a real life hell, holding your cold body with you still in his jacket.

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