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You kept sweeping the floors of the dungeon.

You stopped and propped your arm on the top of the broom stick and let out a sigh.

Many men started whistling at you which grossed you at a high point of grossness.

"Settle down fellow Asgardians, I have arrived." You hear the sneaky voice of your best friend.

You turned. "Prince Loki." You bowed to show your respects.

"Stand up peasant." He commanded harshly.

You stand up straight holding the broom close in front of you.


"Do not speak. Follow."

You gulped. You nodded and followed him as he already left the room.


"You have a sister?!" You scream.

"Be quiet (Y/N)! Someone will come in here and see me with you!" Loki whispered harshly.

"Loki Laufeyson! We have been best friends since I had to be your personal dorm chamber cleaner!" You were enraged.

"I'm sorry. So much has happened."

You nodded accepting his apology.

He sighed running his hand down his face. "She broke Thor's hammer."

Your face grew red hearing his name. Trying to cover it up you being to stutter. Great. "W-What!? How?!"

Loki laughed. "You don't need to hide your feelings for my brother. I've known them for a while now."

You nervously laughed. "And how long is 'a while now'?"

"Since you first saw my brother at the Gala. You served us our Coca Cola glasses. And you tripped walking away." Loki deadpanned.

Your face was beat red.

"Loki!" You heard the roar of your long haired lover boy.

"Ah. Brother. Excuse me (Y/N)." Loki left the room with Thor. You nodded and went around the palace cleaning.


Thor was fighting his so called sister on the rainbow bridge. With now short hair. What happened to him when he left?

"Get on the damn ship, (Y/N)!" Loki yelled at you as he stabbed one of the already dead men with his helmet killing him....again...

"Not without you and Thor!" You screamed at him frustrated.

Thor stopped what he was doing and looked back at you.

Shit he heard. You mentally told yourself to just jump off the bridge from the embarrassment.

He smiled. You started walking towards him.

No don't go towards him! Just jump off the bridge already!

Your body was moving on it's own. Your brain wanting something else.

"Lady (Y/N)." Thor whispered. He looked at you then at the ship loading civilians behind you.

"King- I mean Prince- I mean... What are you? Well I know you are a Prince now but are you King yet? Ah never mind. Thor." You rambled.

He chuckled. He stopped suddenly seeing your eyes grow wide. "What?" He asked.

You didn't say anything. You shoved him to the side as hard as you could and you knocked him over.

All you heard was the slice of swords tearing through your skin and entering your organs opening the skin on your back. Another came seconds later doing the same. The two swords impaling you.

"NO!" Thor yelled. He grabbed your small body before you hit the ground.

Everything began to be fuzzy and far away.

You could hear Loki scream as a huge fire man grew and started fighting Hela.

What a baby.

"(Y/N)! What the hell Thor!" Loki screamed as he tried to get you from Thor's hold.

"No! Get away!" Thor stood with you in his arms.

The ship was already flying away. The Hulk picked you three up and you all got into the ship right before the planet of Asgard exploded into billions of fiery pieces.

Thor lays you down. The sword moving inside of you and slowly pulling from your body. "Guh, Stop. Please..." You moaned.

"I-I-I don't know what to do (Y/N)..." Thor was getting emotional.

"I cant- I cant lose you, (Y/N)." A sob erupted from his chest.

Loki was kneeling next to you holding your hand. "I'm afraid." You sobbed.

The pain was horrendous. You wanted it to stop, you knew it only would if you gave up.

But you wanted to be with Thor...and Loki of course.

"Thor, we can't let her suffer..." Loki raised his hand to your head.

You squeezed your eyes closed and their hands.

"Loki, no! I'm not letting the maiden I love go like this!" Thor cried.

The Asgardians around you three hugged onto each other sad by the scene before them.

"Please Thor...Please Stop the pain..." You whispered out. Tears falling from your face.

"I-I Love You (Y/N)..." Thor caressed your cheek.

He leaned down and placed his lips onto yours as Loki hovered his hand over your head.

As Thor left your lips and looked down at you, you didn't move.

"Loki! Why?!" Thor grabbed you and cradled you in his arms.

Loki has silent tears falling from his face. "While you left me on Asgard when you went to do your heroic things, she was always there for me. Not you. She was my best friend."

"Why did you do that!" Thor yelled at his brother angry. "You killed her!"

"She said she never wanted to suffer when she died. And I helped her. I helped her, while you had her suffer longer than she should have!" Loki screeched.

Thor looked at him startled. Then he looked down at you as he laid you gently on the ground.

Loki left a kiss on the cheek, and Thor left a kiss on your stone cold lips.

He stood and became the King he is supposed to be and started leading the civilians of Asgard to a safer planet to live.

With his brother by his side.

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