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A throbbing sensation is in the back of your head. You let out a loud groan. It echos in the dimly lit room you are in. You sit up, with a bit of trouble. "Shit...Where am I...?" You mutter as you look around.

Your night vision kicks in. You look around and  see a room with concrete walls on three sides and a barred fence in front of you. A bed lays on the cold ground a few feet away from you. And a piece of paper lays in front of the bars.

You have chains on your hands that are connected to the ground so it restricts your movement. But it gives you enough movement to grab the paper from outside.

You scramble to open it. It's a worn down, slightly ripped, piece of paper with a few words sloppily written across it.

"Are you okay?"

You furrow your brows. Who gave this to you? Is this even for you? The throbbing sensation dies down as the minutes pass by. You must have hit your head when you were thrown down.

You are being held captive by a robot. His name is Ultron.

A gust of wind is sent through the long corridor of cells. All of them are empty except yours.

"She's awake." A Russian male voice speaks.

A shiver is sent down your spine. You hear the clanks of heavy metal hitting the ground. A soft hum of a lullaby is heard.

"I've got no strings.... To hold me down..."

You slowly back up against the wall afraid.

You are most definitely afraid. You're not sure what's going on. Your powers start to resurface again. They must have injected you, putting your powers to sleep.

"To make me fret... To make me frown..."

You start to shake. "Go away! What do you want?!"

"I've got no strings.... So now I'm free..."

Electricity starts to form around your hands causing your chains to form static and they start to make zapping sounds.

The last part of the song the inhumane voice speaks is right in front of your cell.

"I've got no strings on me..."

The words echo in and out of your cell and the long corridor. "W-What do you want.."

You zap at him. He malfunctions for a few seconds, but he laughs and he regains composure.

"You're power. You and my little twins, (Y/N), will conquer a lot together." His voice causes your hair on the back on your neck to stand up.

"W-What do I have to do? How do you know my name?" You ask uneasy and a bit panicked.

He chuckles and two silhouettes appear on each sides of him.

"I want you to kill Stark. And his team." He speaks awfully too calm for your liking. He doesn't answer your other question.

The muscular silhouette catches your eye. He stares right at you. His silver eyes running all over your broken and small body.

You both hold eye contact for a few moments before he looks up at the robot.

The more feminine silhouette has red glowing hands. She looks at you in pity. You snarl. You hate when people give you pity. No matter the situation.

She smirks a bit before also looking at the robot.

"My name is Ultron. These are the twins. Pietro, and Wanda. These are your comrades. You start tomorrow. Do not fail me. I would hate to punish my first failed experiment,
(Y/N)." He turns slowly looking at you with his red eyes. He slowly walks off humming the tune of the song.

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