The Avengers

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You've been hit. Your health is really low, and it keeps decreasing as you scream for help.

"Help me damn it!"

Bullets spray close to you to your team mate Bucky, is knocked to the ground. "Not you too!"

Bucky screams, "Help me before (Y/N)!"

"No me! I'm going to die!"

"So am I!"

"Steve!" You both simultaneously say.

"I'm coming, jeez."

You yell frustrated you've been wounded. "I'll get you back Nat!"

"Wanda what the hell are you doing? Stop hiding in that bush!" Bucky yells at her.

You and the team are playing a friendly game if Fortnite. Your team is close to losing because you're too cocky and Bucky doesn't know what he's doing even though he's an ex HYDRA assassin. And Steve is the medic, he's not even trying to kill anyone. And Wanda is too scared to move from that bush she found.

The teams are split up into groups of four.

Team one: You, Bucky, Steve and Wanda.

Team two: Nat, Clint, Bruce and Sam.

Team three: T'Challa, Scott, Vision and Thor.

Team four: Peter, Tony and Rhodey.

Plus other online fans. "Thanks for the revive Steve."

"I have like ten health left, go without me." Bucky dramatically tells Steve. You are running with your blue SMG out.

"Not without you!" Steve screams running back to get Bucky before the storm reaches him.

"Ha. Fuck you both then. Wanda come on!"

She is slowly crouch crawling from a bush. "I'm coming! How do I run?"

You tell her what to do and she finally catches up to you.

"Here I come!" Peter speaks giddy as he comes falling from the sky trying to no scope you.

He misses you and he gets eliminated from the fall. "WHAT?!" He screams. "HOW!?"

You laugh as you pick up his shields and guns.

"Mr. Stark... I-I don't wanna go..." He pouts.

"Wait, Peter's dead? Ohhohohohoho. You got it bad now (Y/N)." Rhodey tells you. "Tony's coming."

You scream and run for a house close by. Wanda is crouched in a bush again.

She is fighting Vision and Thor.

"I'm sorry Vis!" She throws an impulse grenade and he flies into the storm and dies.

Thor starts pickaxing her. "Haha! I got you now little one!" He bellows.

She shoots him and he's dead.

"Where's cat man? Dude it's just me and you." Scott speaks as T'Challa sits in a tree in the middle of the circle.

"(Y/N)! Wanda! You guys are alive!" Steve and Bucky run up to you.

"Oh. You're still alive?" You laugh. Wow. Typical Steve.

"Who's all left?" Wanda asks as she stands in the open and looks around.

A shot is rung out and she drops to the ground dead.

"FUCK! RUN!" Bucky starts jumping with Steve running into the circle and away from Wanda's now gone body.

"Wait she had a golden scar?!" You snatch it and leave your SMG.

"Okay, let's go. Here's the plan. So from me remembering many HYDRA missions we should go-" Steve starts talking. A loud bang is heard and he drops dead.

"SHIT. RUN, DOLL." You scream at Bucky.

"Oh, so now I'm a doll. How sweet- RUN!" Tony rains bullets down at you while using his jet pack.

"I thought those were gone!" You yell as you and Bucky try knocking him down.

His back pack breaks in mid air and he falls.

"Give me back my Tony!" Rhodey screams as he's pushing a shopping cart hoping to break his fall.

"Go. Go. Run. Now!" You and Bucky run as the storm creeps closer.

You throw a grenade and Tony dies from the fall, and Rhodey dies from the explosion.

"Oops." You wink at Bucky as he looks at you bewildered looking away from the screens. But then you avert your eyes back to the game.

"Ready? Now!" Scott yells.

T'Challa rocket rides Scott on a rocket from the rocket launcher.

He damages you both badly.

You shoot at him but he builds up fast.

"C'mere tiny." Nat whispers as she stink bombs Scott killing him. She breaks out into a fit of laughter.

While she's laughing you use your sniper and snipe her knocking her down.

"Nat!" Clint runs to her and tries reviving her.

"Don't stand still Clint! Just go!" Nat screams.

"No!" Clint screams trying very hard. Once he's half a second from reviving her Bucky shoots him dead with his rifle.

"Nice shit Buck!" You smile. "Who's left?"

It's just you, Bucky, Bruce and Sam.

"I haven't heard them the whole game." You look around. The circle is at the tiniest point.

The time is ticking and they are no where.

Bucky is just shooting at random trees and bushes. "Where are they?!"

Your game starts glitching and your screen faces up into the air.

"What... the hell..." You nudge Bucky and point at your screen. "The sky."

He also looks up and they've built a sky base.

"Those fuckers." Bucky laughs.

"Blow them up." You tell Bucky. "You can have these kills."

He smiles and shoots at one of the pieces.

The sky base breaks ands they fall. "Nice."

You wait for them to fall to their deaths but they both float with jet packs.


Bucky aims at them and shoots down Sam.

"Damn it! So close!" Sam yells. "Get them Bruce!"

"I-I-I, what's the shoot button??" You hear him rapidly tapping buttons but he doesn't press his jet pack button and falls to his death dragging Sam with him.

"Seriously Bruce?!" Sam exclaims.

"We won! But where's the sign?" Bucky asks.

You look at how many people are left and there's three.

You, Bucky, and some random person.

You look as the circle closes in more. A no-skin jogs up to you and sticky bombs you both.

"Nooooo!!!" You and Bucky scream.


You both drop dead. And the sign, 'Your Team Placed 2nd' shows up.

You look at the screen and see the person throw up a heart shaped emote.

You both laugh irritated.

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