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You stand up from your seat and fiddle with your fingers.

"Follow me please." The man said.

You nod and follow her. You just finished your interview to work at Mortgage Mainsail. It's something you've been wanting to work for, for a long time. For as long as you can remember!

"Sit please." He commanded. He sat down and fixed his papers.

You sit as straight as possible. You want to look as professional as you can.

"Your interview has been turned down. We do not think you are a good fit for my company." He said monotoned. "Sorry. You may leave."

You nod. "Thank you for your time." You are on the verge of crying. But you get up and put on your best fake smile.

You walk out of the office and the door slams behind you. Tears are running down your face at this time.

You walk out of the fancy building and walk along the sidewalk. You rub your nose on the sleeve of your jacket. You don't care anymore.

You are walking for about five minutes and your phone vibrates indicating you got a text.

'God damn it Tony! How many phones do you have! Is this even the right number!? You need to find a new assistant soon. Text me back ASAP. - Nick Fury'

You scratch your forehead. You reply back.

'Hey. Sorry this is not the "Tony" you are looking for.'


'Oh. I'm sorry. Who is this?'

Your reply; 'It's Alright. I'm (Y/N)... Do I know you?'

Bing. Bing.

'Ah, I'm sorry Miss (Y/N).'

'Do you have a job?'

'No I don't..'

'We'll, would you accept working for .S.H.I.E.L.D. as Tony's assistant?'

You are shocked, shield? Tony? As in Tony Stark?!

'Yes of course. When can we meet up?'

You have to wait a couple minutes until you get a reply.

'Today. The small bar across the street you are on. I'm there. In the back right corner, I'm there.'

You look around.

Creepy. But hey! You got the job!

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