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You don't understand why he's just sitting there.

"Bucky?" You whisper.

The new man in front of you tenses up.

Your eyes well up with tears. "Bucky... it's me. (Y/N)."

He turns, and you catch a glimpse of a knife.
"Who are you." His raspy voice is barely a whisper.

"B-Buck... put the knife away..." You back up to your cabinet where you hide your gun and a secret button you press when you are in danger.

When you press the button it calls your brother, Steve. And your best friend Tony. You decide not to press it, you can calm him down. Right?

"Why am I here? Who are you?!" You here him get up and switch his blade.

"Bucky, it's me, (Y/N). Your girlfriend. We've fought together in a world war, danced at many bars and lived together with my brother Steve Rogers!" You desperately plead to him as you slowly approach him, gun in your back pocket.

His eyes glaze over as if he remembered something but then he shook his head as if it didn't matter. "I am not Bucky!"

That's when you knew you fucked up. He took a jump at you and slashed your arm. "Stop talking to me as if you know me!"

You hold your wound as you kick him off of you sending him across the room. "Bucky snap out of it! Please come back to me!" You scramble to get to your feet to get to the cabinet.

You mumble angry to yourself, "Why didn't I press the damn button. I should have listened to Steve when Tony installed it..."

You here him grunt and groan. "I'm so sorry Buck."


You repeatedly press the button hoping they got the message that you needed help.

Bucky stood up and grabbed a feather out of his hair and threw it to the ground. "No one can help you." He smiled.

You haven't been face to face with the Winter Soldier in a while. Just a week ago you could easily calm him down. What's so different now?

Thinking to yourself you wondered if Steve and Tony would get here in time before Bucky squeezed you to death. Or stabbed you. Normally Tony's here in half a second in his suit and Steve's normally running as fast as he can.

You laugh at yourself as you remember pressing the button and they got over here so fast, Tony blew your apartment apart. All you wanted was for them to buy you a bag of pads and chocolate. They didn't talk to you for the rest of the day.

Bucky stomped over to you. "Now I got y-"

A loud boom was heard and a big part of your roof exploded and landed on you and Bucky.
"Tony! What the hell!" You coughed viciously.

"(Y/N)! Are you alright- Buck?" You here Steve smash your door down.

"(Y/N)? Tony! She's under the rubble!"

"I see that Capsicle." Tony says irritated.

"My arm is bleeding bad. So I'd hurry up your searching process." You groan out.

Steve grabs you and holds you in his arms. "Ow.."

"Ohmygod. (Y/N)... I'm so sorry. I sprinted as fast as I could. I even outran Tony! And he was FLYING!" Steve jogs you back to the Avengers tower.

"That's great Steve. But my arm is purple from all the blood loss. I'm gonna pass out Steve. Help me." You whisper dramatically.

His face pales and he sprints.

"It's actually purple Steve."

You pass all the cars and reach the tower.


You wake up with a sting in your arm. "Steve?"

You hear a thud, a chair hitting the ground and a loud groan.

He gets up from the ground.

You look around the room. It's your room. Designed by Tony's girlfriend, Pepper. You haven't seen her in a while. Your first thought is Bucky.

"Steve. Where is Bucky." You sit up and get out of bed.

You instantly regret it when the stitches on your arm open up and bleeds through the bandages. "Shit."

You walk out the room. Steve chasing you.           "(Y/N)! You need to rest!"

"Not until I find Bucky."

You walk around and you see him. Standing in a cryofreezer getting ready to get closed in.

"Bucky!" You cry out.

His head snaps to you. His face is greeted with a wide smile but it vanished into a pained look when he sees your arm. "(Y/N)... I'm so sorry... I can't trust myself. Winter will come back out and... I don't want that slash on your arm to turn into something worse..."

You walk up to him. "Bucky..." You reach up to caress his cheek. He inhales sharply.

"Please..." You whisper. He leans into your hold. His eyes water and a tear escapes his eye. His left, metallic and cool arm snakes around your waist. "I'm so sorry." He whispered.

Is it even possible to see an already broken man, break even more?

You smile sadly. "It's okay." You kiss his frown softly. It turns into a small smile.

"I love you." It shocked you when he said that but you knew it was genuine. And you loved him too.

"And I'm with you till the end of the line."

He chuckled. And looked at you sincerely. "I want it to be like how it was in the 40's, (Y/N)."

You smiled a small smile. "Me too."

And that was the last time you saw your boyfriend, James Buchanan Barnes. Until a titan named Thanos attacked.

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