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The fear of losing someone causes a person to go insane.

But when you actually lose them, you'd understand.

"It's been a year, Steve. Where could she be?" Bucky sat at the side of his friend.

Steve ran his hand through his white hair. His hands having wrinkles, but his left finger wore a golden band.

Steve coughs a little distraught. "She'll come back... Just like I did, Buck."

Bucky scoffs. "You left me, without thinking about how I felt, punk. You got to go back in time and live a life with your lover. But me? My lover was in the present. And now she's gone back into the past... and I don't even know why!"

"Buck, you know I needed to. I had to..." Steve slowly turned to the side, his back aching.

Bucky's eyes stung with tears. "I've been through a lot."

Steve nods. "Yes, I know."

"I got captured by Hydra."

Steve nods, "I know."

"I fell off a train..."

Steve flinches. "Yes, I know."


"I-I know..."

"I-I got captured again... And was turned into a deadly weapon..." Bucky's voice turns into a whisper.

Steve lets a few tears let loose, "I know, Bucky..."

Bucky goes silent for a while as he wipes his face with the back of his hand.

"I deserve one happy moment in my life... At least one!" Bucky exclaims.

Steve nods again.

"My... one happy moment is gone. She went back in time, a year ago. And still hasn't come back..." Buck let's out a sob.

"Why can't I be happy, Steve..."

Steve sits in silence not knowing what to say to his friend.

"I thought having Hydra in my past, and having her in my future would make me feel happy."

Bucky stands up to look at the portal leaving Steve alone on the bench. "I'm not happy without her."

The portal starts to beep which causes Bucky to back up. "What the hell?"

Steve slowly stands up using his cane. "Back up Buck, it could be dangerous."

"She could be coming back!" Buck yells aloud.

Steve rubs his neck in hope. The portal starts turning on and the lights flash brightly.

"Please, (Y/N)... please come back to me..." Bucky pleads as he waits for what happens.

The machine grows bright so both Bucky and Steve cover their eyes. The machine makes a huge boom and smoke comes rushing at them.

Coughing, Buck runs towards the middle as a body lays there, motionless.

Steve sits down coughing, struggling a little.

"Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit." Bucky mumbles as he trips over wires and broken pieces of the portal.

"Please be her.." Bucky approaches the body. And sure enough, it's you.

Holding a baby.

"What the fuck..." Bucky turns you over onto your back. Nothing seems to be wrong with you, you're breathing, just unconscious.

The baby, who seems to be a year old, cries. You immediately wake up startled and grab the baby and cradle it.

"(Y/N)..." Bucky whispers.

You finally look up at the figure kneeled down at you.

You're eyes well up and you remember where you'd gone.

"I'm so sorry, Buck..." You cry out.

He holds you tight as the baby falls asleep.

"Who's kid..?" He questions as he sits in front of you.

"It's yours actually..."

He looks confused. "There's no way."

You nod. "You survived by being iced with hydra, I survived being iced with Steve on the plane... and before that... I found out I was pregnant..."

"You're telling me you went on a mission pregnant?!" He whisper shouts, not to wake the baby.

"It died when the plane crashed. So I went back to have the baby before it happened." You shrug.

"But how are you still so young? Steve's an old fart!"

"Howard helped me. And so did Peggy." You say as you look down at your son.

"His name is James Jr." You smile.

"A mini me?" Bucky laughs.

"I like having two of the same kind." You laugh as you hand your son to Bucky.

"Are you sure?" Bucky asks cautiously.

"He's your son. You're his father, of course I'm sure." You smile. You look up and see that Steve had left you three alone together.

"Thank you for not leaving me, (Y/N)." Bucky mumbles.

"Leave you? Why would you think I'd leave you?" You ask a bit taken aback.

"You're the best thing that has happened to me since I had escaped Hydra... If you had left me... I don't know what I would have done honestly..." He leans his head against the baby's head.

"Thank you for coming back to me. And for bringing the second best thing that has happened to me." He looks up at you and holds James Jr. with his metal arm, while grabbing your face with his flesh hand.

He presses his lips to yours softly and delicately, as if you'd disappear into thin air.

"I love you." You say to him.

"I know doll."

"Well say it back at least, Buck."

"You don't need me to say it when you already know it's true."

"How would I know?" You ask stubbornly.

He gives you a blank look. "Okay, listen here doll. If I didn't love you I wouldn't have sat here in this spot everyday, for a year, waiting for you to come back."

You're eyes tear up again. "Thank you for waiting for me..."

He looks up at you giving you his charming smile, then looks down at your son.

"I'd wait another one hundred years for
you, (Y/N)."

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