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"I never wanted it to be this way..." You hear a voice speak from behind you.

You snap our head, your eyes blank of emotion. You look away slowly and sigh. "He's still gone, and I miss him."

The person behind you was Wanda. She wanted to take you in and help care for you.

You're the widow of Pietro Maximoff.

"I know, I miss my twin brother too, he would hate to see you like this though, (Y/N)...."

You scoff. You fidget with the golden diamond ring around your left ring finger.

You were married for a year. But you had dated while you were an experiment, like the twins. You met him at your lowest point. But he was your light that helped you overcome the darkness.

And now that he's gone, you were drowning in darkness again. And your powers, everyday, have been acting up.

They were experimented on for speed and telekinesis, while you can manipulate someone's body, blood, bones, organs and their systems.

You can pretty much take over someone's body in a blink of an eye. It's quite infatuating, but it's very dangerous.

"Okay missy, time to go to your room, I just walked into Steve and Bucky's room without wanting to so it must have been you." Tony speaks up as he walks around the corner to where you are.

The 'room' they put you in reminds you of where the HYDRA agents would put you after you would attack one of their soldiers. It's a quiet, black, dark room that has no doors or windows.

"Please... Not today Tony... It's the anniversary---" You stop talking once your voice cracks. Anger, sadness, sorrow, remorse, depression, death, and revenge cross your mind as fast as a bolt of lighting. It's the anniversary of his death.

"Get out.." You mumble knowing something bad's going to happen.

"Okay, stop messing around (Y/N). Doc, come sedate her please." Tony calls behind him.


"It's okay (Y/N). You need this." Wanda comforts as she greets the doctor as he walks in.

"No.." You groan. Your mind starts racing and your head is spinning. You repeat the word 'no', but the doctor still approaches you.

"STOP." You scream, you thrust your hands in a tearing motion.

It's like someone hit a slow motion button as you, Tony, and Wanda watch as the Doctor, who was alive and standing, was now ripped clean in half.

Wanda screams as Tony runs to the doctor. "Shit..." He looks up at you nervously.

You flinch and look at your hands. "I-- That was me...?"

The rest of the team runs in worriedly. "What happen--"

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Sam shouts as he covers his nose with his shirt.

"Who did this?" Steve asks as he stands over Tony's crouched body.

You start to visibly shake. Your vision starts to blur with tears and a sob erupts from your chest. "I-- I'm sorry..."

The team stays silent as they watch you completely shatter in front of them. The once broken you, has become nothing but an empty soul.

You get up to approach Steve for comfort but he backs up and you freeze. "W-What..?"

He rubs his neck, his fingers shaking. "I don't want you to get angry with my (Y/N)... but you shouldn't be here at the tower anymore..."

"Wait, Steve, no... Please..." You beg and reach out for him again but he takes another step back.

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