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You sit in your room. Doing a bit of research. On what to do when you're bored.

"Ugh!" You slump onto the floor.

You rub the heel of your hand on your eyes, trying to rub away sleepiness.

You shoot up from your position on the floor when you hear sirens.

The house is surrounded. Show your self.

What the hell?

You hear a sickening laugh. You turn to your bedroom door. "Wh-who are y-you?!"


You scoot back on your butt till your back rest against the wall where your window is.

"Ah Ah Ah! Don't run darling!" He takes wide strides to you and grabs your arms roughly tugging you to him.

"AntMan will enjoy this." He smirks from under his helmet.

Your eyes widen. You are in the arms of a villain. Great.

"Help! Help me please!" You scream out.

The police sirens are screaming in your ears as your heart pounds fifty miles an hour.

"Let her go!" You hear a voice. You look around and see no one.

"Ah! It's nice of you to stop by, AntMan." Yellow dude states.

"Show yourself." He adds.

You see a tiny ant like thing morph into a human. Your eyes widen.

The man takes his mask off. "Wha....Scott?!" You scream.

"Okay, calm down, jeez. But hey sis." He smiles at you. "Duck."

"What?" He throws something at your head and you duck.

An electric circle clings to him and shocks Yellow boy. "Woah."

"Hide in the closet now (Y/N)!" He hollers to you as he shrinks back down to a tiny size. You go to step towards the closet and hear a tiny scream.

"Fuck! (Y/N)! You almost crushed me!" You see a tiny figure jump up and down. "Oops!"

YellowShirt shrinks as well. You are now in the closet waiting for a rescue or something.

You watch as tiny explosions happen on your rug. Your little brothers toy train that he left in your room grows to a huge size breaking your whole wall.

Scott returns to his normal size laying on the ground grunting. "Scott! Are you alright?!"

The yellow jacket guy grows to his normal size in front of the closet you are in. You scream.

He grabs at you and you throw a jacket onto his face. "Scott! Help me!"

You hear him grunt as he gets up. He runs at him and shrinks onto him. "I'm sorry (Y/N)."

And he turns into nothing. And the yellow jacket guy malfunctions. Killing him.

"Scott...?" You climb from the closet. And the police run in taking him away.

"Oh Scott....where are you?" You cry out.

You hear a thud and a gasp. You turn. It's Scott.

"You fucking bastard!" You run to him and hug his stupid behind.

"Ohmygod(Y/N)areyoualright?!" He grunts out all at once.

"I think I'm okay. Are you okay?" You ask concerned.

"If my sister is alright, I'm alright." He smiles up at you.

And you hug each other tightly. Not wanting to loose each other like you lost your parents.

"Now who was the yellow guy? And since when where you AntMan?!"

"Let's start from the beginning.." He holds you close.

And he started when your parents worked as AntMen.

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