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Dedicated to AbbeyNeal5

"Grab the tray darling! Hurry it up!" The head chef of the kitchen yelled at you as you scramble to get the trays in your arms.

"I know I'm going!" You hold the full trays, one in both hand and rush to the dinning hall.

Grumbling you speak to one of your friends you work with, "They're back early aren't they..?"

She softly chuckles. "What do you expect? The Prince's can come home whenever they please."

A light shade of pink spread across your cheeks. "Prince's? They're both back?"

"Well yes, Sir Thor brought back Loki from Midgard." She pushes the huge doors with her butt and let you walk in. You both casually walk in the room to put the trays down for them to eat. King Odin and Queen Frigga were there as well, which is rare.

You lean over Prince Loki's frame to place down a glass of red wine. "Here you go, Your Highness..."

You hear his breath hitch as his hand snakes down to touch your leg. "(Y/N)..."

"Enjoy the wine. I'll be back with more foods of your liking." You give a curt nod.

His eyes glaze over in contempt. "Alright, the grey stuff please."

"I know, it's delicious." You rush out the doors again to the kitchen.

"Bless all of Asgard, he's home. Safe." You let out a deep breath.

"Did they get their foods?!" The chef bellows at you once you enter.

"Yes Fredrick. They got the food, they loved it too. Can I get some of the grey stuff for Sir Loki, please? He requested it."

"Ah! Yes right away!" The man scurries off to cook fast.

You grab the food once it's done and practically run back to the dining hall.

Opening the door softly, the small family of four hold a light conversation with each other. Frigga enjoying the company of her sons, Odin and Thor enjoying a laugh together, and Loki sits with a small smile on his face as he sips his wine.

"Here is your requested dish Prince Loki." You place it down with your left hand.

A certain shiney ring on your finger glimmers in the eyes of the rest of the family at the table.

Loki grabs your hand and slams it at your side. His eyes lock with yours and worry fill them immediately.

"What was that." Odin speaks up first.

"What was what?" Thor asks oblivious as he chugs a beer.

"Nothing, a woman can wear jewels can they not?" Loki speaks. You stand at his side, a little nervous but you'll have to be the ones with the balls to announce to them what's going on.

"Your Majesty. King Odin and Queen Frigga... I've fallen in love with your son Loki, and we are now engaged." You speak with a small shake in your voice.

Loki's eyes snapped to you so fast you'd think he'd have whiplash.

"(Y/N)." He warns.

"How ridiculous." Odin laughs.

"May I see?" Frigga smiles at you.

You nod and walk over to her, lifting your hand and placing it in hers.

She clicks her tongue, fear evident in your body.

"He should've have gotten you a bigger jewel."

"Mother." Loki hisses.

"I'm only kidding, dear." She winks at you.

"Frigga, you agree with this? She is a commoner." Odin grabs her arm to turn her around.

You rush back over to Loki's side. Thor raising his hand to speak like a child says, "I think they make a wonderful couple."

Loki's eye bulge out of his head. Shock is clearly shown on his face.

A sigh comes out of Odin and he begins speaking again, "How long have you been a thing?"

Loki speaks up, "Three years dating, three months engaged. The wedding is in two and I really want you all there..."

You rub Loki's back for comfort.

Frigga squeals, "Of course!!"

Thor replies, "Uh, sure."

Odin pauses for a bit but chuckles. "Of course my son."

Loki let's out a small sobs and smiles looking up at you.

"I love you."

"And I, you."

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