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You were sitting at a table all by yourself swirling your drink in your cup.

Howard Stark was about to flaunt his new devise he created.

You sighed as you wanted to see it but you had to wait another hour and a half.

"Doll? Are you alright?" You look up from your seat to see your beloved fiancée.

You squeal and fall from your seat. "You're back!" You jump onto him.

His Army hat falls off. You almost knocked him to the ground. You hug him tightly you were sure your arms would crush him. Or at least cause you more pain than him.

"James..." You breathed out. "You are three weeks early!"

He sets you down. Looking down at you, and you up at him. "I had to come home to my favorite gal." A blush spread across your cheeks. He always managed to do that.

"I missed you." You press your lips to his lightly.

"And I, You." He smiles back.

"Why are you back so early?"

You sit back down on your stool at the table. He stands next to you with his arm wrapped around your waist.

"I have a mission to kill some bad guys. That is put in the best terms that you can understand."
He chuckles.

"You will come back, yes?" You rest your head on his chest as you see Howard Stark walking onto the stage waving at everyone.

He tenses a bit. But he relaxes and his hands are steadily on your waist as he stands behind you. "I promise."

You mumble to yourself thinking he didn't hear, but he did. "Don't make promises you can't keep."

"I promise." He whispers again.

And that's the last time you saw James Buchanan Barnes, your now husband.

One Year Later

You sit at the same table you have always sat at. You waited for your friend.


You look up to meet your friend, Steve. He use to be small and thin but now he's tall and buff. 

"Hey Steve." You gave him a weak smile and you shifted on your stool.

He sat in front of you. You have spent most of your time with him. He after all did watchyour husband fall from that damn train. And he was just as hurt as you were. You were heartbroken.

"When does Howard come out again?"

"About half an hour."

He nodded and turned his head to watch couples dancing with each other. "(Y/N)..."


"Will you dance with me?"

You gave him a small smile wishing it was James. But you get up and put your hand in his open one.

"I don't really know how to dance." He told you truthfully.

"We'll figure it out together because I don't know how to either."

And that's how you spent your one year anniversary from the last time you saw James.

Six Months Later

Your phone rang. You ran to it. Picked it up and listened twisting the cord in your fingers.


There was a pause. A very long pause. Your heart thumped in your chest. He could probably hear your heart cause of how loud it was beating.

"I-I-....We found him..."

You slammed the phone. Grabbed your purse and slipped your heels on. You ran out of your apartment. You called a taxi and drove off to the agent base Steve gave you an address to.

The driver pulled over and you looked over at the little antique store. "What?" You asked aloud. You got out of the taxi. "Thank you." You mumbled out.

You look around looking for Steve. You see him approach you. "Looking lovely as ever I see,          (Y/N)."

You smiled at him. "Where is he?"

You followed him inside the store. A door opens and you walk in.

"(Y/N). I have to warn you but he's not the same ol' Bucky. Well, he looks like it, besides one thing... But mentally he's not. We have to take things slow with him..." He frowns. He's hiding something.

You walk in and Howard nods to you and opens a metal cell door. You see a scraggly man lazily sitting in a chair.

"Where is James?" You asked looking around the room. That man cannot be him.

"That's...That's him, (Y/N)..." He chokes out, upset that his friend is like this.

You look to his arms that are cuffed to the chair. "Why did you cuff him?!" You scream.

You run to him. "Oh my goodness James..."

Him eyes snap up to you. He looks at you through his ling hair. His eyes held no emotion. "Bucky..." You breathed out.

"Who are you?" He croaked out.

Your eyes softened as you remember what Steve told you. He's not the same old Bucky from a year and a half ago.

"Hey Bucky...I'm (Y/N)." You softly tell him as you grab his right hand.

You look to grab for his left hand, but all there is is a metal arm. Your eyes widen.

"Doll..." You hear him croak out.
You look up. Tears falling freely down your cheeks.

"Yes...I'm your doll..." You cry out.

You see a faint smile appear on his face.

"My wife..." He breathes out and leans closer to your face. "Just as beautiful as the last time I saw her."

"My husband..." You sob and you hug him. You hear his restraints open and you feel his cold metal arm wrap around your waist and his flesh arm hold the back of your head.

"You're back..."

"I promised you I was."

"Thank God." You cling to him.

You heard him sigh in content and you lay your head in the crook of his neck as you inhaled his scent.

He's back. He really is. You loved him.

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