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"Nat a tat tat."

After a moment of silence you yell. "Oh for crying out loud Nat! Get up!"

She groans and keeps her face in the pillow she was hugging.

"He'll come back Nat! I promise!" You try and comfort her.

"Don't make promises you can't keep (Y/N)!"
She cries out.

"Bruce will come back. He just needed some space. It's what he said in the text right?" You told her.

She looked at me confused then shook her head. "Yes...That's what he said in the text." She told you.

"Alright then. Get off your butt and let's go do something!" You pull her off the bed onto the floor.

"Alright, Alright. I'll get dressed." She mumbles. You walk out of her room.

-30 minuets later-

You knock on Natasha's door. "Natasha, are you done?"


You walk in and she's putting her boots on tucking something into them.

You give her a questioning glance but she waves it off. "Alright let's go."

You arrive to the place you picked to go to.

Nat looks at you. "You picked to go to a fair?" She questioned.

"Uh yeah! It's the only place we could go to that's in my budget of ten dollars.." You mumble.

She laughs and grabs your hand. Let's go then.

You go and get the tickets with a little money left for food.

"Alright, where do we start?" Nat asked you and you shrug. So you guys start at the back of the fair and work your way forward.

You where in the middle of the fair watching Nat do a shooting game holding a plate of nachos. She hit every target with ease. While the other competitors missed every single time.

You smiled as you see a huge grin on her face while playing the game.

But you begin to feel uncomfortable. You look around and see three men standing with each other with black clothing on.

You get hit with fear but brush it off quickly. You turn around and Nat's gone, you see her at another booth and you walk towards her.

But you are grabbed from behind. You scream as the person picks you up. "Help! Nat! Please help me!" He covers your mouth with his rough, huge hands.

You have tears running down your face as you know you are being kidnapped. People scream for security and for their lives.




You realize a woman just single handedly kicked two guys' asses. She turns and she holds a gun towards you.

"Drop (Y/N) now!" She yells.

You flinch at her scary voice.

"Nat..?" You whisper.

"Hello, (Y/N)."

Your best friend is a bad ass?!

You feel you are vibrating but it's the mans chest you are leaning against.

"I said, let (Y/N) go you bastard!" Nat screams and a circle of people starts to form.

"Tell me where Mr. Stark is." He growls out.

"I said let her go." Nat says.

He drops you. You sprint towards Nat, but he grabs your wrist and he holds a gun to your head.

People scream around you again.

"I said where is Mr.-" He was cut off by Nat throwing her gun at his face and he lets you go.

You run behind her and she grabs him tasing him until he's unconscious.

She stands and slowly turns.
"(Y/N)...I-I can explain about all of this.."

You stand there in shock. She lied to you. For years. And now you know why she cancels your plans. For why she leaves early.

"Y-You lied to me..." You began to stutter.

"Yes! But to keep you safe!" She said and grabs  for your arm.

You pull away.

She frowns. "I thought you'd be happy I could kick some guys's ass."

You have a slight smile. "I am. I'm just upset cause I spilt my nachos on the ground when he grabbed me."

She laughed. "Only you, (Y/N). Only you.

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