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Does anyone care about me? Mila wondered, sitting in her dark bunk.

No one really talked to her, her friends and siblings didn't call or text, and her mom was either too busy working or snogging Brent.

She shivered as she remembered Brent's threat when she'd discovered them together.

If anyone finds out, I'll rape yor sister.

He didn't specify which one, but he didn't need to. Summer or Eliza, neither deserved to be hurt.

It was common sense for Mila to end her life. No one cared much about her, they'd move on. And her mother and Brent's secret would die with her. Her sisters would be safe.

Maybe it was a stupid reason to commit suicide. Loneliness, being cast aside, not feeling good enough? A threat? And more, small fragments.

But it was real to Mila, and it was a blinding pain to her. Call her weak, but she couldn't carry it anymore.

So she hung herself.  

Love In The Dark•Joriah ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang