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Eliza navigated to Instagram, stroking a sleepy Harry with her left hand. Social media was a funny land for her. Sometimes people were nice, sometimes they weren't. Some pics got hate, others didn't as much. 

But what hurt the most was the attacking, the stabs of I'm trying to hurt you, the bullying, the tearing down. 

   She hated how cruel they were. 

 She hated the knots in her stomach when she saw the notifications. 

She hated how they got to her. 

150 comments on her latest post, a shot of her in a lacy  black crop top and white ripped jeans. No doubt internet sharks would love to rip her to shreds. But Eliza couldn't help it; that was her style. It was a part of her, just like her love of dance and Tom Hiddleston and her Latina looks were, too. 

Why do people need to hate that? 

Username1 you look ready to hook up with some guys for $$$

      username2 @username1 she's got a bright future in prostitution!

Username3 I swear, you can't be Joel's kid. You're too Mexican. 🤮 Did Mo fuck up some Hispanic dude? 

Username4 what's with your stomach? Are you pregnant? 

Username5 @username4 I'm surprised she's not a mom yet. 

  Username6 @username4 lol, I see it. #grandpajoel

Username7 are you even Christian? Like, no proper Jesus girl dresses like this. It's your mother's fault, she's a terrible role model. Next thing you know, Summer will trade her flower girl style to look like Kylie Jenner and Mila will be a swimsuit model. 

Username8 marry me

Username9 You are the tool of Satan to bring Christian music down. 

Username10 Your hair is so pretty 😍

   Username11 @username10 ikr? 

Username12 Hi, can you please keto? Or admit that you're pregnant. Or both. 

    Username13 @username12 or you could just leave. 

Eliza turned her phone off, tears welling in her eyes. 

Every time, she thought, it just gets worse and worse. What's so bad about me? Why do I deserve hate? 

She looked down at her stomach, poking out underneath her Loki crop top. It was not flat. 

Stupid Summer. Making so much food I can't possibly be thin. I see you want me to look like a snowman. You want me to get hate. 

Eliza closed her eyes. 

What is wrong with me? 

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